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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 香港科技大学招光催化杀菌方向的博士后研究人员

The research group of Professor Irene M. C. Lo at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, would like to invite applications for a Post-doctoral Fellow position in the research area of superparamagnetic nano-photocatalysts for photocatalytic disinfection from water and wastewater. The candidate should have a strong research background in (1) photocatalytic process for bacteria disinfection (at least PhD thesis is on this area), (2) comprehensive knowledge of the measurement of total coliform and E.coli, and (3) strong background of water and wastewater disinfection such as UV disinfection and reactor design. The ideal candidate is also expected to have proficient communication skills in both written and spoken English. Appointment will be made initially on a contract with 18 months, renewable subject to mutual agreement. Monthly salary is HKD 22,000 (~USD 2840) or higher (including MPF of HKD 1,000 for over 12 months working period) which will be commensurate with qualifications and experiences. Fringe benefits including annual leave and medical benefits will be provided where applicable.


课题组经费充足,请有意向的同学发简历到 maxzeng@ust.hk(Dr. Zeng)。 简历初步通过后会联系面试相关事宜。谢谢!


[ Last edited by jxxiangkang on 2018-8-19 at 12:09 ]
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小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
jxxiangkang: 金币+5 2018-08-29 09:32:59

19楼2018-08-27 20:18:45
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