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[交流] 加拿大魁北克科学研究学院Dongling Ma 课题组招收博士生

加拿大魁北克科学研究学院Dongling Ma 课题组招收博士生


2.招收学校名称:Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Canada (加拿大魁北克科学研究学院), Center of Energy, Materials and Telecommunications (能源,材料和电讯研究所)

Prof. Dongling Ma, leading the Group of Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications at INRS, is recruiting excellent PhD students to work on a photocatalysis project, in collaboration with Prof. M. Chaker.

The successful candidates will be offered a full PhD scholarship to work on the synthesis of various, highly functional, advanced nanostructures and hybrid materials, their characterization and applications in photocatalysis. Potential candidates must have comprehensive experience in the synthesis of nanomaterials in solution using a wet chemical approach, in colloidal and surface chemistry, and in the characterization of nanomaterials using XPS, XRD, SEM and so on. The strong expertise on photocatalysis is also required. The candidate should have a M. Sc. degree in CHEMISTRY and have certain good scientific publications on relevant topics. The successful candidate should also be highly self-motivated.  The abilities to initiate independent research as well as to work in a team setting are important to the success of the project.

TOEFL and GRE are not required. But the candidates are expected to have basic oral communication skills in English and good English writing skills.

Students are highly encouraged to apply for CSC (application details can be found at: http://www.csc.edu.cn/article/1042). Priority will be given to students with external scholarships. Extra scholarships will be offered by Prof. Ma as a prize.

Only candidates who satisfy ALL these requirements should send their complete CV (please include GPA for university studies, publications, awards, etc.) to Professor Dongling Ma (ma@emt.inrs.ca) directly for consideration. Those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Center of Energy, Materials and Telecommunications of INRS is located at the south shore of Montreal (Varennes). Most of the students are living at the greater Montreal region. Montreal is ranked as one of the world's 5 best cities to study abroad by Quacquarelli Symonds.

PhD students will be supported by full PhD scholarships.
For students with CSC or other external scholarships, extra PhD scholarships will be offered.

Prof. D. Ma is currently a full professor at INRS. Her group has focused on the development of various nanoparticles (NPs), 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional nanomaterials, and nanohybrids/nanocomposites for applications in energy (e.g., solar cells), catalysis (including photocatalysis, water splitting, etc.) and biomedical sectors. They have published >100 articles on nanomaterials research in scientific journals (such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Chem. Mater., etc.). Prof. Ma serves as an Editorial Advisory Board member of ACS Energy Lett., an Editorial Board member of Scientific Reports, etc. She has been invited to talk at prestigious international conferences (such as ACS, ECS & MRS) and universities, with >100 invited/keynote talks (not including those she declined). She is an active Member of the UNESCO Chair in MATECSS. She also serves as an organizer/co-organizer of multiple conference symposia. Most recently, she acts as a conference chair/organizer of the International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics, July 2018, Canada.

INRS ranks first in Canada in terms of research intensity (as mentioned in the website:  http://www.inrs.ca/english/homepage)

Only candidates who satisfy ALL these requirements should send their complete CV (please include GPA for university studies, publications, awards, etc.) to Professor Dongling Ma (ma@emt.inrs.ca) directly for consideration. Those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
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新虫 (初入文坛)

13楼: Originally posted by 21326018 at 2018-06-17 10:49:55

Yes, you can. but as stated in the requirements, basic English skills are required. Interview will be conducted with those pre-selected.
18楼2018-06-18 02:41:01
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银虫 (著名写手)

2楼2018-06-13 11:08:12
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木虫 (正式写手)

3楼2018-06-13 15:58:56
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by 海之蓝 at 2018-06-13 11:08:12

4楼2018-06-13 19:19:19
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