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木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] PhD position “Precision Design of Polymers from Biomass-Derived Monomers”



PhD thesis position available
Precision Design of Polymers from Biomass-Derived Monomers
Supervisor: Dr. Antoine Debuigne

The Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM/ULiege) is looking for a highly motivated PhD student. This 4-years PhD thesis will be performed in the area of polymer chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Antoine Debuigne and should start in September/October 2018.

Consortium – This position is funded through the Excellence of Science (EOS) program (http://www.eosprogramme.be) of the Belgian FNRS/FWO (grant n°O019618F (ID EOS: 30902231)). Our research consortium "BioFact" - “Bio based factory: Sustainable chemistry from wood” brings together internationally recognized research groups from six Universities, covering the fields of biorefinery, catalysis, green chemistry, modeling and polymers.

Job Description - We are seeking a talented and enthusiastic PhD student who is interested in developing cutting-edge methods for the precision synthesis of polymers from lignin-sourced and/or CO2-based monomers. Reversible deactivation radical polymerization techniques, also called controlled radical polymerization (CRP), will notably be implemented in order to tune the architecture, composition and functionality of the polymers.

Profile - The candidates should have a Master’s degree in organic or polymer chemistry. He/she must show high level of motivation and initiative. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are essential.

Interested? - Please send
(1)your full CV (with relevant academic scores, education, research experience, practical and theoretical skills),
(2)a complete list of publications,
(3)a motivation letter and
(4)at least 2 referees with full-contact details (preferentially including the supervisor of the master’s thesis)
to Dr. Antoine DEBUIGNE, tel.: +32 43663565, mail: adebuigne@uliege.be[ Last edited by liujizgd on 2018-6-19 at 22:17 ]

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木虫 (正式写手)

liujizgd(金币+1): 谢谢参与
52楼2018-06-14 08:38:53
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