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[交流] Full scholarship support of PhD students at University of Arkansas, USA.

Dr. Meng in Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA) is enrolling PhD students in Energy Materials and Surface Engineering for Fall 2018. The students will receive exceptional trainings in materials synthesis, electrochemistry, battery design, and surface engineering. By conducting collaborative projects with Argonne National Laboratory (IL, USA) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA), the students will get accesses to utilize world-class facilities (such as synchrotron-based techniques and high-resolution electron microscopies) and opportunities to work with many of the most brilliant scientists for high-impact research. To be fully considered, potential candidates should also meet the minimum requirements on GPA and English proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS, and GRE). More information about Meng's group, please refer to the link: https://sites.uark.edu/xbmeng/. If you get interested, please send your inquiries to Dr. Meng’s email box: xbmeng@uark.edu.
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新虫 (初入文坛)


2楼2018-02-08 10:53:00
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