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铜虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 德州农工大学招生物信息博后 TMC @ Houston


the institute off biosciences and technology (ibt) at texas a&m university college of medicine,  is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health  science research located at the texas medical center (tmc) in houston,  tx, with existing strengths in epigenetics, cancer, stem cell biology,  infectious disease, and environmental health.

the  center for epigenetics & disease prevention at ibt is seeking one  highly motivated bioinformatics or postdoctoral  investigators to develop and study novel approaches in data-driven  biomedical research to discover new biomarkers, therapeutics, and to  revolutionize health care or fundamental computational biology  principles. primary responsibilities include application and development  of bioinformatic algorithms to process and analyze  multiple types of high-throughput sequencing data, like chip-seq,  rna-seq and bisulfite-seq data. this exciting work will be guided by  multidisciplinary collaborations with top scientists in stem cell,  cancer biology, and microbiology research at tamu and tmc.

the  candidates will have a ph.d. in bioinformatics, biology, physics, mathematics,  computer science, statistics, or engineering, or related  fields. the other preferred qualifications include solid skills in at  least one programming language (python, perl, r or c/c++), and strong  skills in writing. a dual background in both computation and molecular  biology or medicine is a plus. prior experience with genomics,  epigenomics, aging epigenome, neuron stem cell, machine learning, or  cloud computation is a plus. salary is highly competitive comparing with nih  standard depending on experience.

to apply, please  send cv, and contact information for  three references in a single file to email dsun@tamu.edu.

the institute off biosciences and technology (ibt) at texas a&m university college of medicine,  is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health  science research located at the texas medical center (tmc) in houston,  tx, with existing strengths in epigenetics, cancer, stem cell biology,  infectious disease, and environmental health.

the  center for epigenetics & disease prevention at ibt is seeking one  highly motivated bioinformatics or postdoctoral  investigators to develop and study novel approaches in data-driven  biomedical research to discover new biomarkers, therapeutics, and to  revolutionize health care or fundamental computational biology  principles. primary responsibilities include application and development  of bioinformatic algorithms to process and analyze  multiple types of high-throughput sequencing data, like chip-seq,  rna-seq and bisulfite-seq data. this exciting work will be guided by  multidisciplinary collaborations with top scientists in stem cell,  cancer biology, and microbiology research at tamu and tmc.

the  candidates will have a ph.d. in bioinformatics, biology, physics, mathematics,  computer science, statistics, or engineering, or related  fields. the other preferred qualifications include solid skills in at  least one programming language (python, perl, r or c/c++), and strong  skills in writing. a dual background in both computation and molecular  biology or medicine is a plus. prior experience with genomics,  epigenomics, aging epigenome, neuron stem cell, machine learning, or  cloud computation is a plus. salary is highly competitive comparing with nih  standard depending on experience.

to apply, please  send cv, and contact information for  three references in a single file to email dsun@tamu.edu.
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铜虫 (小有名气)

可以 植物也是biology
4楼2017-11-08 11:49:09
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木虫 (著名写手)


2楼2017-10-28 01:35:56
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铜虫 (小有名气)

New position available
Please apply through the official job listing: https://jobs.tamhsc.edu by searching Houston and/or Bioinformatics
5楼2019-03-19 08:10:21
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