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[求助] Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science已有2人参与

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,接收后收到这样一个电子邮件,请教下第四个是什么意思!

Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper for publication in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science!

We would be grateful if you could please email us the following files at your earliest convenience:

- Your figures in the separate original file formats in .jpg, .eps or .tiff specifically

- Your paper in a non-PDF format (such as .doc or .tex)

- Amended versions of your figures which can also be understood when printed in black and white (for the printed copy). Please note, these can remain in colour as long as they can be understood in both formats

- Permissions for the use of any work that is not your own from the copyright holders of the original publications

Once we receive these files we will pass your paper on to our Production department.

Kind regards,
Ms. Marianna Kaye
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Editorial Office
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