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铁杆木虫 (文坛精英)

[调剂信息] 西北农林科技大学动物医学院陈华涛副教授课题组诚招2018级推免生或统考生


学校: 西北农林科大
专业: 农学->兽医学->临床兽医学
年级: 2017
招生人数: 3
招生状态: 正在招生中
联系方式: ********* (为保护个人隐私,联系方式仅限APP查看)


一、 个人基本信息
2013年10月至2015年9月 获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员职位,在日本京都大学药学研究科系统生物学研究室从事博士后工作,合作者为为世界著名生物钟研究专家冈村均教授
四、 主持的科研项目
1.        西北农林科技大学引进人才科研启动专项(2016/01-2020/12):经费100万元;主持人,在研。
2.        陕西省引进人才专项经费,经费20万元, 主持人,在研。
3.        国家自然科学基金面上项目(2018/01-2021/12):肝脏生物钟通过USP2-45/PPARα信号通路调控肝脏甘油三酯含量的机制研究(31771301),直接经费60万元;主持人,在研。
4.        国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2017/01-2019/12):BMAL1基因介导的山羊睾丸间质细胞生物钟调控睾酮合成的分子机制研究(31602125);直接经费21万元;主持人,在研。
5.        国家博士后基金面上项目(2017/06-2019/06):肝脏生物钟调控USP2-45的分子机制及其底物蛋白筛选(2017M61065);经费8万元;主持人,在研。
6.        中央高校科研业务基本费(2017/05-2020/04):生物钟基因在山羊胎盘滋养层细胞的表及其调控细胞增殖凋亡的机制研究;经费10万元;主持人,在研。
7.        西北农林科技大学国际合作基金(2016-2017):山羊生殖生物钟基因表达规律及生理功能研究(A213021604);经费2.5万元;主持人,在研。
8.        日本学术振兴会特别研究员奖励费(2013/10-2015/09):Chronometabolism of steroid synthetic cells-clock regulation on cellular metabolism and physiology(13F03402);经费200万日元;共同主持人,已结题。
9.        2017年大学生创新训练计划校级重点项目:生物钟基因BMAL1调控山羊睾丸间质细胞睾酮合成的初步研究(杨梦婷,陈怡宁);经费0.35万元;指导教师。
五、 学术兼职
国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部通讯评议专家;陕西省科技计划项目评审专家;中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员;中国畜牧兽医学会兽医产科学分会会员;中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会会员;中国细胞生物学学会会员;中国细胞生物学学会生物节律分会会员;中国细胞生物学学会细胞信号转导分会会员;中国细胞生物学学会细胞工程与转 基 因 生物分会会员;Oncotarget(SCI影响因子:5.168)杂志特约审稿专家。
六、 所获荣誉及奖励
        2009年获西北农林科技大学 2008-2009 学年度校级优秀研究生荣誉称号
近年来,以第一作者及共同作者在《American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism》、《American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology》、《Chronobiology International》、《FEBS Journal》、《Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》、《Journal of reproduction and Development》、《Theriogenology》、《Frontiers in Endocrinology》、《Physiological reports》、《中国农业科学》、《中国兽医学报》、《农业生物技术学报》等刊物上发表学术论文20余篇。
Chao Hsu-wen, Doi Masao, Fustin Jean-Michel, Chen Huatao, Murase Kimihiko, Maeda Yuki, Hayashi Hida, Tanaka Rina, Sugawa Maho, Mizuguchi Naoki, Yamaguchi Yoshiaki, Yasunaga Jun-ichirou, Matsuoka Masao, Sakai Mashito, Matsumoto Michihiro, Hamada Shinshichi, Okamura Huitoshi*, A molecular mechanism of hepatic polyploidy unmasked by circadian dysregulation of Mkp1 [J]. Nature Communications, 2017 (Under Review;SCI; 5-year IF=13.092; JCR综合1区;中科院综合1区;第4作者)
Xiong Yongjie, Chen Huatao, Lin Pengfei, Wang Aihua, Wang Lei, Jin Yaping*, ATF6 knockdown decreases apoptosis, arrests the S phase of the cell cycle, and increases steroid hormone production in mouse granulosa cells [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 312(3): C341-C353, 2017.(SCI;被引次数=1次;5-year IF=3.631; JCR生理学1区;中科院生理学2区;第2作者)
Yang Diqi, Jiang Tingting, Lin Pengfei, Chen Huatao, Wang Lei, Wang Nan, Zhan Fan, Tang Keqiong, Zhou Dong, Wang Aihua, Jin Yaping*, Apoptosis inducing factor gene depletion inhibits zearalenone-induced cell death in a goat Leydig cell line [J]. Reproductive Toxicology, 67: 129-139, 2017. (SCI; 5-year IF=3.202; JCR毒理学2区;中科院 生殖生物学2区;第4作者)
Chen Huatao# *, Gao Lei#, Xiong Yongjie, Yang Dan, Li Cuimei, Wang Aihua, Jin Yaping*, Circadian clock and steroidogenic-related gene expression profiles in mouse Leydig cells following dexamethasone stimulation [J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 483(1): 294-300, 2017. (SCI; 5-year IF=2.354; JCR生物化学与分子生物学3区;中科院 生物学3区;共同第1作者,共同通讯作者)
Yang Diqi, Jiang Tinting, Lin Pengfei, Chen Huatao, Wang Lei, Wang Nan, Zhao Fan, Wang Aihua, Jin Yaping*, Knock-down of apoptosis inducing factor gene protects endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated goat granulosa cell apoptosis [J]. Theriogenology, 88: 89-97, 2017. (SCI;被引次数=3次;5-year IF=2.127; JCR兽医学1区;中科院 兽医学2区;第4作者)
Yang Diqi, Wang Lei, Lin Pengfei, Jiang Tingting, Wang Nan, Zhao Fan, Chen Huatao, Tang Keqiong, Zhou Dong, Wang Aihua, Jin Yaping*, An immortalized steroidogenic goat granulosa cells line as a model system to study the effect of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress response on steroidogenesis [J]. Journal of reproduction and development, 63(1): 27-36, 2016. (SCI;被引次数=1次;5-year IF=1.585;JCR农业、奶制品及动物科学1区;中科院农业、奶制品与动物科学3区;第7作者)
Zhu Hongmei#, Hu Linyong#, Liu Jun, Chen Huatao, Cui Chenchen, Song Yujie, Jin Yaping*, Zhang Yong*, Generation of β-Lactoglobulin-Modified Transgenic goats by Homologous recombination [J]. FEBS Journal, 283(24): 4600-4613, 2016. (SCI; 5-year IF=4.129;JCR生化与分子生物学2区;中科院生物学2区;第4作者)
Zhao lijia, Isayama Keishiro, Chen huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, The nuclear receptor REV-ERBα represses the transcription of growth/differentiation factor 10 and 15 genes in rat endometrium stromal cells [J]. Physiological reports, 4(2): e12663, 2016. (第3作者)
Chen Huatao, Isayama Keishiro, Kumazawa Makoto, Zhao Lijia, Nobuhiko Yamauchi, Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Seiichi Hashimoto, Masa-aki Hattori*, Integration of the nuclear receptor REV-ERBα linked to circadian oscillators in the expression of Alas1, Ppargc1a, and Il6 genes in rat granulosa cells [J]. Chronobiology International, 32(6):739-749, 2015. (SCI;被引次数=4次;5-year IF=3.056; JCR生理学2区;中科院 生理学2区,第1作者)
Tasaki Hirotaka#, Zhao Lijia#, Isayama Keishiro, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Inhibitory role of REB-ERBα in the expression of bone morphogenetic protein gene family in rat uterus endometrium stromal cells [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 308(7): C528-C538, 2015. (SCI;被引次数= 5次;5-year IF= 3.631;JCR 生理学1区;中科院 生理学2区;第4作者)
Isayama Keishiro, Zhao Lijia, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Removal of REV-ERBα inhibition contributes to prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 expression in rat endometrial stromal cells [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 308(8): E650-E661, 2015. (SCI;被引次数= 8次;5-year IF= 4.248;JCR 生理学1区;中科院 生理学2区;第3作者)
Isayama Keishiro, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Hattori Masa-aki*, REV-ERBα Inhibits the PTGS2 Expression in Bovine Uterus Endometrium Stromal and Epithelial Cells Exposed to Ovarian Steroids [J]. Journal of reproduction and development, 60(5): 362-370, 2014. (SCI;被引次数=5次;5-year IF=1.585;JCR农业、奶制品及动物科学1区;中科院农业、奶制品与动物科学3区;第2作者)
Chen Huatao, Zhao Lijia, Chu Guiyan, Kito Gakushi, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, FSH induces the development of circadian clockwork in rat granulosa cells via a gap junction protein Cx43-dependent pathway [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 304(6): E566-E575, 2013. (SCI;被引次数= 24次;5-year IF=4.248;JCR 生理学1区;中科院 生理学2区;第1作者)
Chen Huatao, Zhao Lijia, Kumazawa Makoto, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Down-regulation of core clock gene Bmal1 attenuates expression of progesterone and prostaglandin biosynthesis-related genes in rat luteinizing granulosa cells [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 304(12): C1131-C1140, 2013. (SCI;被引次数= 24次;5-year IF= 3.631;JCR 生理学1区;中科院 生理学2区;第1作者)
Tasaki Hirotaka#, Zhao Lijia#, Isayama Keishiro, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Gene profiling of the circadian oscillations in the uterus endometrial stromal cells of pregnant rats by DNA microarray analysis coupled with RNA interference [J]. Frontiers in Endocrinology 4: 82, 2013. (SCI;被引次数=10次;IF=3.675;JCR内分泌与代谢2区;第4作者)
Chen Huatao, Chu Guiyan, Zhao Lijia, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Rev-erbα regulates circadian rhythms and StAR expression in rat granulosa cells as identified by the agonist GSK4112 [J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 420(2): 374-379, 2012. (SCI;被引次数= 14次;5-year IF=2.354;JCR生物化学和分子生物学 3区;中科院 生物学3区;第1作者)
Chu Guiyan, Misawa Izumi, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, Shigeyoshi Yasufumi, Hashimoto Seiichi, Hattori Masa-aki*, Contribution of FSH and triiodothyronine to the development of circadian clocks during granulosa cell maturation [J]. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 302 (6): E645-E653, 2012. (SCI;被引次数= 25次;5-year IF= 4.248;JCR 生理学1区;中科院 生理学2区;第3作者)
陈华涛,李倩,胡林勇,王爱华,靳亚平*,刘军,杨艳,奶山羊BLG基因敲除载体的构建 [J]. 中国兽医学报, 31 (6): 858-863, 2011.(A类期刊;被引次数= 1次;第1作者)
胡林勇,陈华涛,李倩,徐晓彬,王爱华,靳亚平*,山羊β-乳球蛋白基因打靶载体的构建 [J]. 中国农业科学, 44 (11): 2364-2370, 2011 (A类期刊;被引次数= 1次;第2作者)
李倩,徐晓彬,陈华涛,王爱华,张涌,靳亚平*,马延森,秦川牛天然免疫力相关巨噬细胞蛋白1基因(Nramp1)N端序列的原核表达及纯化 [J]. 农业生物技术学报, 19 (1): 142-148, 2011. (A类期刊;被引次数=4次;第3作者)
陈华涛,胡林勇,杨艳,李倩,靳亚平*,奶山羊胎儿成纤维细胞的分离培养及SRY基因性别鉴定 [J]. 动物医学进展, 31 (8): 1-7, 2010. (中文核心;被引次数= 6次,第1作者)
华彩丽,陈华涛,宋晓平*,丁香油微囊的制备与测定方法的建立 [J]. 中国畜牧兽医, 35 (7): 145-148, 2008. (中文核心;被引次数=16次,第2作者)
Lei Gao, Dan Yang, Cuimei Li, Aihua Wang, Yaping Jin, Huatao Chen. Regulation of Steroidogenic-related genes transcription by circadian clockwork in mouse Leydig cells. 第二届亚洲时间生物学论坛暨中国细胞生物学学会生物节律分会2017年学术年会,06/2017 (中国呼和浩特,壁报,荣获二等奖)
Lei Gao, Cuimei Li, Dan Yang, Aihua Wang, Yaping Jin, Huatao Chen. Usp2-45 acts as a clock controlled gene in the process of deubiquitination. 第二届亚洲时间生物学论坛暨中国细胞生物学学会生物节律分会2017年学术年会,06/2017 (中国呼和浩特,摘要)
Lei Gao, Huatao Chen, Aihua Wang, Yaping Jin. Regulation of Testosterone Production by Circadian Clock in Mouse Leydig Cells. 中国畜牧兽医学会兽医产科学分会 第十三次学术研讨会,11/2016(中国宁波,壁报)
高磊,陈华涛,王爱华,等. 生物钟基因在小鼠睾丸间质细胞中的表达规律研究. 中国畜牧兽医学会动物园繁殖学分会第十八届学术研讨会暨中日韩第四届动物繁殖学术交流会,08/2016 (中国南京,壁报)
Chen Huatao, Isayama Keishiro, Zhao Lijia, et al. REV-ERBα, in conjunction with its ligands, regulates the expression of circadian clockgenes in rat mature granulosa cells. The 106th Society for Reproduction and Development Meeting, 09/2013. (Presentation, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
? 華涛, 趙 立佳, 服部 眞彰. Dissection of potential influence of ovarian oscillators on fertility using rat luteinizing granulosa cells,リスクサイエンス研究フォーラム, 03/2013 (Poster, Kyushu University).
Chen Huatao, Zhao Lijia, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, et al. Pivotal role of circadian clock gene Bmal1 in rat luteinizing granulosa cells. International symposium on agriculture, food, environmental and life science in Asia 2012, 10/2012. (Presentation, Chungnam National University, Korea)
Chen Huatao, Zhao Lijia, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, et al. FSH induces the development of circadian clockwork in rat granulosa cells via a gap junction protein Cx43-dependent pathway. The 105th Society for Reproduction and Development Meeting, 2012. (Presentation, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Chen Huatao, Chu Guiyan, Zhao Lijia, et al. ラット成熟顆粒膜細胞における細胞時計の振動と下流遺?蛔婴丐斡绊. 日本畜産学会第115回大会, 2012. (Presentation, Nagoya University, Japan)
Hattori Masa-aki (导师), Chen Huatao, Chu Guiyan, et al.  Rate-Limiting Steps in the Metabolic Pathways of Steroids, Prostaglandins, and Heme Are Controlled Under Cellular Circadian Clocks in Ovarian Granulosa Cells. ICE/ENDO annual meeting, 06/2014. (Chicago, United states).
熊? 真琴,? 華涛,山内 伸彦,服部 眞彰. プロラクチンは卵巣顆粒膜細胞の時計遺?蛔覲er2 の振動的な発現を低下させプロジェステロン生成を抑制する. The 106th Society for Reproduction and Development Meeting, 09/2013. (Poster, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
諌山 慧士朗,? 華涛,山内 伸彦,服部 眞彰. ウシ子宮内膜間質細胞および上皮細胞ではPtgs2(Cox2)発現は時計遺?蛔覴ev-erbαによって抑制的に制御されている. The 106th Society for Reproduction and Development Meeting, 09/2013. (Presentation, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
趙 立佳, ? 華涛, 山内 伸彦, 服部 眞彰. Altered levels of steroid hormones affect the expression of circadian rhythm in endometrial stromal cells of pregnant rats,リスクサイエンス研究フォーラム, 03/2013.
諌山慧士朗, ? 華涛, 山内 伸彦, 服部 眞彰,子宮内膜のプロスタグランジン分泌制御における時計遺?蛔婴沃匾,リスクサイエンス研究フォーラム, 03/2013.
Isayama Keishiro, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, et al. Circadian rhythms of clock genes and clock-controlled genes in the endometrial stromal cells prepared from the pregnant rat uterus. International symposium on agriculture, food, environmental and life science in Asia, 2012. (Presentation, Chungnam National University, Korea)
Zhao Lijia, Chen Huatao, Yamauchi Nobuhiko, et al. Progesterone alters the phase of circadian rhythms in endometrial stromal cells of pregnant rats. The 105th Society for Reproduction and Development Meeting, 2012. (Poster, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Hattori Masa-aki, Chu Guiyan, Chen Huatao, et al. FSHが卵巣未成熟顆粒膜細胞の細胞時計を発達させる. 日本畜産学会第115回大会 (2012) (Presentation, Nagoya University, Japan)
陈华涛,胡林勇,李倩,等. 奶山羊BLG基因敲除载体的构建 . 中国畜牧兽医学会2010年学术年会-第二届中国兽医临床大会论文集, 08/2010(中国 长春,壁报)
胡林勇,陈华涛,李倩,等. 山羊β-乳球蛋白基因打靶载体的构建 . 中国畜牧兽医学会2010年学术年会-第二届中国兽医临床大会论文集, 08/2010 (中国 长春,壁报)
李倩,徐晓彬,陈华涛,等. 秦川牛天然免疫力相关巨噬细胞蛋白1基因(Nramp1)N端序列的原核表达及纯化. 中国畜牧兽医学会2010年学术年会-第二届中国兽医临床大会论文集, 08/2010 (中国 长春,口头发表)
高磊,2014级硕博连独生,本科毕业于西北农林科技大学动物医学院 (协助指导)
Email: htchen@nwsuaf.edu.cn  
      QQ : 155294043 (联系请注明2018级推免或统考生)


[ Last edited by chtchj on 2018-2-5 at 14:07 ]


[ Last edited by chtchj on 2018-2-9 at 19:58 ]
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铁杆木虫 (文坛精英)

2楼: Originally posted by Jianxiao_H at 2017-08-31 10:13:20

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铁杆木虫 (文坛精英)

5楼: Originally posted by 反反复复反反 at 2017-08-31 10:41:52

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