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Please never convert or downsample vector-type graphics (all kinds of chemical formula drawings, for example ChemDraw® files) into pixel-type graphics (PC file extensions like tif, jpeg, bmp) unless you have good reasons to do so. If such conversion should be unavoidable, please make use of the high-quality (i.e. lowest data compression) setting in your graphics software. It is better to submit the original data or, alternatively, print directly into PDF. 这个ChemDraw文件不能存为TIF格式吗?
The resolution in the final data should be about 300 dpi for halftone graphics without sharp details like lines and letters.    这个without sharp details like lines and letters是什么意思呢?
1. The authors point of that several earlier works (refs. 14-18) on xanthine detection have some issues, but do not discuss what these issues are. The authors must briefly discuss these and then highlight how their present work addresses the limitations faced by earlier works.  第二句话是什么意思呢?
The authors should comment on why their system demonstrates such impressive selectivity even after being exposed to easily oxidable interferents like ascorbic and uric acid at such high detection potential (+0.9V)  还有这句话的意思。

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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2017-01-06 09:15:53
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