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新虫 (正式写手)

[交流] with editor15天之后,被编辑拒稿,投稿量大拒稿,想申诉,求帮助,求申诉模板

Thank you for considering the Journal of FE to publish your research. Unfortunately, the contents of your manuscript are outside the scope of our Journal. The manuscript does not have sufficient depth in food engineering or novelty to be suitable for our journal. Although we have published manuscripts on similar topics in the past, the high volume of current submissions limits our ability to consider only those manuscripts that are within the main scope of our journal. Please be rest assured that this decision is not based on the technical merit of your work, your studies should be suitable for another journal with a focus on the topic of your research such as our sister journal Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie or International Journal of Food Properties. We regret that we are unable to publish your manuscript.  We are able to publish less than 20% of the articles submitted to JOFE.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
论文的引用该杂志达到30%,而且该杂志之前发表过很多跟文章主题相似的论文,感觉编辑是因为现在论文投稿量巨大而拒的搞,所以很想申诉尝试一下,求帮助 求大家给个建议,或者申诉模板,谢谢。有经验的朋友给个意见,会重金感谢的。

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新虫 (小有名气)

294041918(金币+1): 谢谢参与
34楼2016-11-24 14:53:02
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