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木虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 这是什么情况?还有希望吗?已有1人参与

n view of the criticisms of the reviewers, I must decline the manuscript for publication in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents at this time. In addition to the reviewer's comments, I suggest the authors firstly to rewrite the title of this article, since it is too general. Alkali also plays an important role in reducing surfactant adsorption, which was not studied in this paper. They authors should improve the language before it can be accepted.

A new manuscript may be submitted which takes into consideration these comments.

Please note that resubmitting your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance, and that your resubmission will be subject to re-review by the reviewer(s) before a decision is rendered.

You will be unable to make your revisions on the originally submitted version of your manuscript. Instead, revise your manuscript using a word processing program and save it on your computer.

Once you have revised your manuscript, go to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jsnd and login to your Author Center. Click on "Manuscripts with Decisions," and then click on "Create a Resubmission" located next to the manuscript number. Then, follow the steps for resubmitting your manuscript.

Because we are trying to facilitate timely publication of manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, your revised manuscript should be uploaded as soon as possible. If it is not possible for you to submit your revision within a reasonable amount of time, we will consider your paper as a new submission.

I look forward to a resubmission.
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银虫 (正式写手)


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liuxing_100(liouzhan654代发): 金币+2, 感谢交流 2016-08-08 19:48:51
liuxing_100: 金币+3, ★★★很有帮助, 非常感谢 2016-08-08 20:25:37
2楼2016-08-08 17:54:12
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