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[交流] 生物医药专业电子藏书简介与目录已有6人参与

ACS Symposium Series, Volume 0001-1216 (2015)
Advances in Chemistry, Volume 001-254 (1998)
ACS电子书由1949至1998年出版的Advance in Chemistry系列和1974年至今出版的Symposium系列构成。截至到2015年底,ACS数据库共收录1470本电子书,近30000个章节。2015年新增31本电子书。主要适用于化学及相关专业的研究生。有一部分适合从事科技教学和就业指导的人员。2012至2015年出版的电子书为新书(Front File),共有126本;2012年前为存档书(Archive),超过1200本。食品生产、新材料、清洁能源、绿色化工、化学教育、化学信息学多个应用领域。每本书由ACS各下属部门、企业或专业机构作为主办方编写。

Current Protocols, The Fine Art of Experimentation, Update to 2016.03
实验室指南(Current Protocols)由 Wiley-Blackwell 出版公司出版。该指南的编辑委员会由生命科学研究领域的科学家组成,他们对内容进行了挑选和评估,所有实验室技术编入 PubMed 和 Scopus 数据库索引。实验室指南将简洁的介绍和详细的说明结合在一起,使收纳的实验步骤清晰,具体,每个步骤又包含了注解和评论,并给出了临界参数和解决问题的小技巧。指南的内容会定期修改和更新,确保所有的内容体现所属领域的最新发展。
Current Protocols in Bioinfomatics - 生物信息学 4948页
Current Protocols in Cell Biology - 细胞生物学 6772页
Current Protocols in Chemical Biology - 化学生物学 1728页
Current Protocols in Cytometry - 细胞计数法 4566页
Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory Techniques - 实验室基本技巧 1250页
Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry - 食品分析化学 1234页
Current Protocols in Human Genetics - 人类遗传学 5568页
Current Protocols in Immunology - 免疫学 6820页
Current Protocols in Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 磁共振成像 1312页
Current Protocols in Microbiology - 微生物学 4314页
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology - 分子生物学 7258页
Current Protocols in Mouse Biology - 小鼠生物学 1742页
Current Protocols in Neuroscience - 神经科学 5540页
Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry - 核酸化学 5740页
Current Protocols in Pharmacology - 药理学 5644页
Current Protocols in Protein Science - 蛋白质科学 6870页
Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology - 干细胞生物学 2528页
Current Protocols in Toxicology - 毒理学 5472页

Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1-1418 (2016)  分子生物学方法
Methods in Molecular Medicine, Volume 1-142  分子医学方法
Methods in Biotechnology, Volume 1-24  生物技术方法
Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Volume 1-22  药理学与毒物学方法
Neuromethods, Volume 1-108  神经方法
No Series, 21 Volumes
Springer Protocols Handbooks, 10 Volumes

Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 001-120
Methods in Enzymology, Volume 001-569
Comprehensive Physiology 全套37卷更新至2016.01
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Volume 004-225
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Volume 266-321
The Enzymes, Volume 01-38 (2015)
RSC Biomolecular Sciences, Volume 01-26

Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 01-49
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 7th
Cancer Drug Discovery and Development Series, Volume 01-84, Update to 2015
Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 01-67
Drug Discovery Series - CRC Press, Volume 01-14
Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Update to Volume 213
Pharmaceutical Development Series 12卷
Pharmaceutical Sciences Encyclopedia, Volume 01-19
Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology, Volume 01-40
Progress in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 01-55 Update to 2016
RSC Drug Discovery Series, Volume 01-50
Side Effects of Drugs Annual, Volume 01-37
Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 01-16
Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development  21卷
Wiley Series on Technologies for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Wiley Series on Pharmaceutical Science and Biotechnology

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry 1999-2015  900章节
Chromatographic Science Series 61-110 42卷
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Volume 01-70
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, 8th Edition
RSC Green Chemistry, Volume 01-45
RSC Chromatography Monographs, Volume 02-19
RSC Catalysis Series, Volume 01-25
SPR. Catalysis, Volume 01-27 (2015)
SPR. Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 10-40
SPR. Organophosphorus Chemistry, Volume 01-44
Structure and Bonding, Volume 001-166 (2016)
Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 001-371 (2016)
AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Volume 01-20
Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering
Advances in Antiviral Drug Design, Volume 2-5
Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Volume 001-155
Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Volume 01-72
Advances in Catalysis, Volume 01-58 (2015)
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 01-48 (2016)
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 001-152 (2013)
Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 01-72 (2015)
Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, Volume 01-13 (2011)
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 01-64
Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 01-08
Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology 4 Volumes
Advances in Pharmacology, Volume 01-74 (2015)
Advances in Polymer Science, Volume 001-270 (2016)
Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Volume 01-73 (2015)

Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Volume 1-5
Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Aspects
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 6th
Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering 23卷
Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering 9卷
Chemical Engineering Methods and Technology 6卷
Comprehensive Bioactive Natural Products, Volume 1-8
Comprehensive Biotechnology II, Volume 01-06
Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 01-42
Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry, Volume 1-9
Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 1-8
CRC Press Pharmacy Education Series
Drugs the Straight Facts
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Volume 01-27
Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions
Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Volume 01-10
Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology
Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Fundamental Biomedical Technologies
Handbook of Analytical Separations
Handbook of Green Chemistry, Volume 1-9
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Generic Development
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Volume 01-48
Industrial Chemistry Library
Instrumental Data for Drug Analysis
International Tables for Crystallography
Introduction Frontiers in Organic Synthesis
Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction, Volume 12-19
Junior Drug Awareness
Milestones in Drug Therapy
Molecules in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry, Volume 04-13
New Developments in Mass Spectrometry, Four Volumes
New Developments in NMR, Four Volumes
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Oxford Medical Handbooks
Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, Volume 1-8
Pharmacochemistry Library, Volume 18-32
Progress in Drug Research
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Volume 01-59
Progress in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Update to Volume 101
Reactivity and Structure, Concepts in Organic Chemistry, Full Volumes
Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 01-27
RSC Analytical Spectroscopy Series
RSC Nanoscience Nanotechnology, Volume 01-36
RSC Polymer Chemistry Series
RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series
Separation Science and Technology
SPR. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Volume 01-40 (2015)
SPR. Carbohydrate Chemistry, Volume 01-41 (2016)
SPR. General and Synthetic Methods, Volume 01-16 FULL
SPR. Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 1-6
SPR. Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods, Volume 1-6
SPR. Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds
Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
The Human Body How It Works
The Peptides. Analysis, Synthesis, Biology
The Porphyrins, Volume I-VII
Topics in Applied Chemistry, Volume 01-26
Topics in Chemical Engineering
Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Volume 01-11
Topics in Physical Chemistry
Wiley Series of Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and Biology
Wiley-Interscience Series on Mass Spectrometry

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木虫 (正式写手)

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2楼2016-05-18 18:04:36
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金虫 (著名写手)

3楼2016-05-19 11:27:54
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

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4楼2016-05-20 18:21:23
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木虫 (正式写手)

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5楼2017-02-24 13:02:03
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新虫 (初入文坛)

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6楼2018-07-25 15:28:37
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