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[交流] 比利时法语鲁汶大学化学系Prof. Yann Garcia教授招收2023年UCL-CSC合作项目的博士

比利时法语区鲁汶大学化学系的Prof. Yann Garcia现拟招收国内UCL-CSC合作项目的博士生(不需要会法语),待遇丰厚,除了每月CSC的1350欧以外还有UCL-CSC合作项目的每月400欧
详情见链接:https://uclouvain.be/en/research ... o-funding-call.html
ps:如果在UCLouvain方面被选中(通过教授面试),CSC也会大概率通过。即使没被选中,也可正常申请CSC. 如有意向,请尽快发邮件提交简历,教授会及时处理。

Our group is interested in the design and the preparation of new nanomaterials of hybrid nature (inorganic and organic) by focusing on their organization within the solid state and their close link with the resulting properties. It is particularly attractive for molecular materials with phase transitions associated with (photo) magnetic phenomena with adjustable optical properties. His projects range from the design of molecular bricks, to their characterization and to their complete study using the tools of analytical and structural chemistry, up to the valorization of materials having acquired a function. He is passionate about the spinning transitions and is studying them with state-of-the-art spectroscopies (using X, gamma and cosmic rays), variable temperature calorimetry, Raman-Infrared spectroscopy and susceptometry.
1-Photo- and thermoswitchable coordination compounds
2-Coordination polymers and Metal Organic Frameworks
3-Spin crossover phenomena
4-Molecular switches, molecular bistability
5-Organic solid state chemistry and crystal engineering
6-Dynamic phenomena and phase transitions in the solid state

Yann Garcia is a professor of inorganic and analytical chemistry at the Université catholique deLouvain, Belgium. After a doctorate with Prof.
Olivier Kahn at CNRS Bordeaux, he moved to Mainz for a postdoc with Prof. Philipp Gütlich in 1999, before being appointed in Louvain in 2001.
He is a specialist inmaterials chemistry, Mössbauer spectroscopy and spin crossover. He has co-authored more than 200 papers with several coverpages of recognized chemistry journals, including 10 book chapters on inorganic chemistry, several guest editorials and two patent applications.
现任Current Inorganic Chemistry 主编, GFSM(French speaking Moessbauer society meeting)的主席,治学严谨,为人谦和.
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