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[交流] 伦斯勒理工 二维器件与超晶格光谱研究方向博后招聘

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position on Optical Spectroscopy of 2D Devices and Moiré Superlattices, Experimental
    The Sufei Shi Research Group (https://sufei-shi.weebly.com/) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is seeking a highly motivated and excellent candidate for Postdoctoral Research Associate for conducting cutting-edge experimental research on optical spectroscopy of 2D devices and moiré superlattices.  
We are looking for ambitious, self-motivated, and self-disciplined young scholars with a Ph.D. degree (or in the process of obtaining one soon) who seek critical advancement and future excellence in their academic careers. We look for experienced experimentalists with degrees in Physics, Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, and related disciplines. Strong experimental technical skills are required. Previous experience with optical spectroscopy or 2D devices is desired but not required.
The initial appointment is for 12 months and can be extended to 36 months or even longer, based on performance and mutual agreement.  
Interested candidates with matching backgrounds should email Prof. Sufei Shi (shis2@rpi.edu) a copy of C.V., three reference letters, and a Statement of Objectives briefly describing your career goal, research interest, and technical expertise.
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