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[交流] 法国尼斯药物化学国际会议XXVII EFMC International Symposium

the xxvll efmc international symposium on medicinal chemistry is organised by the société de chimie thérapeutique (sct), on behalf of the european federation for medicinal chemistry and chemical biology (efmc).

the symposium will take place in nice, france from september 4-8, 2022.

the efmc is the main organisation for the european medicinal chemistry and chemical biology community, with 26 member societies and about 7.500 members. its biennial efmc-ismc is a key symposium in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery and it traditionally attracts around 1.000 participants both from industry and academia. the most recent efmc-ismc meeting took place in tslovenia (ljubljana, 2018), while the edition initially planned for basel, switzerland in 2020 has been run as a virtual event in 2021.

the 2022 programme will cover advances in drug discovery in major therapeutic areas, including bacterial and viral infections, with a particular attention to current and emerging viral pandemics, but also neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, rare diseases and cancer. efmc-ismc 2022 will also feature most recent advances in new technologies such as the exploitation of rna as drug target, artificial intelligence in drug discovery, natural products-based drug discovery, dna encoded libraries applications and the development of covalent drugs, protacs and molecular glues. innovative approaches in medicinal chemistry will be included such as the development of immunomodulating compounds or the application of affinity selection ╟ mass spectrometry for drug discovery. in a series of dedicated sessions, the interface between chemical biology and drug discovery will be highlighted, including topics such as in vivo chemistry for target discovery and validation, molecular imaging, and photochemical approaches. finally, particular emphasis will again be put on first time disclosures and recent highlights in medicinal chemistry.

we look forward to welcoming you in nice in 2022!

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