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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)以及AIE聚集荧光增强效应的发光机制已有2人参与

最近,我们在绿色荧光蛋白(gfp)以及aie聚集荧光增强效应的发光机制方面取得了突破性的研究进展,提出了完全不同于传统的理论模型来解释他们的发光机制 ,希望可以引起大家更多的关注和交流。论文连接:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsphyschemau.1c00020

论文题目:structural water molecules confined in soft and hard nanocavities as bright color emitters
jiafeng zhou, taiqun yang, bo peng, bingqian shan, meng ding, and kun zhang*

molecules confined in the nanocavity and nanointerface exhibit rich, unique physicochemical properties, e.g., the chromophore in the β-barrel can of green fluorescent protein (gfp) exhibits tunable bright colors. however, the physical origin of their photoluminescence (pl) emission remains elusive. to mimic the microenvironment of the gfp protein scaffold at the molecule level, two groups of nanocavities were created by molecule self-assembly using organic chromophores and by organic functionalization of mesoporous silica, respectively. we provide strong evidence that structural water molecules confined in these nanocavities are color emitters with a universal formula of {x+·(oh╟·h2o)·(h2o)n−1}, in which x is hydrated protons (h3o+) or protonated amino (nh3+) groups as an anchoring point, and that the efficiency of pl is strongly dependent on the stability of the main emitter centers of the structural hydrated hydroxide complex (oh╟·h2o), which is a key intermediate to mediate electron transfer dominated by proton transfer at confined nanospace. further controlled experiments and combined characterizations by time-resolved steady-state and ultrafast transient optical spectroscopy unveil an unusual multichannel radiative and/or nonradiative mechanism dominated by quantum transient states with a distinctive character of topological excitation. the finding of this work underscores the pivotal role of structurally bound h2o in regulating the pl efficiency of aggregation-induced emission luminogens and gfp.

[ last edited by zhangkun232 on 2021-11-6 at 09:41 ]

[ Last edited by zhangkun232 on 2021-11-6 at 09:43 ]
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金虫 (小有名气)

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2楼: Originally posted by zhangkun232 at 2021-10-26 09:30:14

非常漂亮的工作,证据的非常的充分,将彻底改变人们对绿色荧光蛋白以及聚集诱导发光机制(AIE )的理解!
3楼2021-10-26 15:29:23
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