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[求助] Spectroscopy Letters 投稿的格式要求。已有1人参与

Spectroscopy Letters.这个期刊的投稿格式 到底是怎么回事啊?之前改了投出去就说格式不对。之后回复一个带附件的邮件。按照附件改了一些又投。又退了出来。都没有提交到系统里面去。也不说明是啥情况。而且,附件和官网的要求还不一致。摘要官网300字,附件100字。别的还有参考文献格式也不一致。
****has been unsubmitted to Spectroscopy Letters because the manuscript does not follow the instructions for authors (attached).  The most common problem is item 1 in the checklist, and you should start there and work down the checklist.  Please ensure that your figures and tables can be understood largely without reference to the text. The best way to do this is to have a title for the figure or table that contains at least some idea of the main aim of the manuscript as well as the main aim of the figure or table to which the title refers.  Then the caption can contain a little more explanation.  This must be done succinctly.

Please re-visit the instructions for authors to complete your submission and re-submit the manuscript for consideration for publication.  Please go through the checklist provided with the instructions on our website to help you figure out all likely issues with your manuscript.  If the editor or one of the reviewers has suggested that the English sentence structure or grammar require some attention, please use the tools at:  http://www.tandfeditingservices.com/en/ to help you.  The most up-to-date versions of the instructions for authors are on the submission web site.  Please sign into the web site, where you will find the instructions prominently displayed, together with the checklist to aid you with the instructions.  The "Supplementary Instructions for authors" contains the most common problems encountered by authors.   Please attend to the details discussed in both sets of instructions.

You may contact the Editorial Office if you have further questions.  If you can't find the checklist, you must reply to this email, and the editor will send you what you need.
这是回复的原话。。求助呢?这个期刊的投稿格式是需要怎么改。有没有老铁投过这个期刊的啊?加q  740270369交流下也可以啊。求助
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