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[求助] 审稿人同意接收,编辑直接给拒了已有1人参与

最近在applied surface science投了一篇文章,刚提交上去还没进行审稿编辑就直接给了大修,说是很感兴趣认为能发,主要是格式和语言上的一些问题和几个他的疑问,按照他的问题改了重新提交,隔天就under review了,大概二十多天就给我拒了,就一个审稿人,意见是because of careful revision, this paper can be accepted as is.下面是编辑的拒稿信,前面一大段都是拒稿模板,后面的审稿人意见是就是一句话认为可以接收,编辑直接拒了,而且没有给任何理由。我还查了这个期刊很多都是一个审稿人,这种情况怎么办呀,已经给编辑私人发邮件了现在还没回。给这个杂志发邮件主编说已经给负责的这个编辑发过去了,有十天了,到现在还没回,我还要再发邮件吗?还是直接重投别的期刊。
after careful review, i regret to inform you that i am unable to accept your above noted manuscript for publication in "applied surface science". i have appended the comments of the reviewers in order for you to understand the basis for the final decision.  however, i do think it could be considered by another journal, and i would like to suggest that you take advantage of the article transfer service that "applied surface science" is part of. this gives you the option to have your manuscript files and details transferred to another journal. this removes the need for you to resubmit and reformat your manuscript, saving you valuable time and effort during the submission process.   if you click the link below you will find relevant information about the journal(s) to which i recommend transferring your submission. you have the option to accept or decline the transfer offer from the same web page: ******  should you accept this transfer, you will have the opportunity to revise your paper, taking into account the reviews received from "applied surface science". the revision will take place after your paper has been transferred to the new journal but before it is assigned to an editor.  if you do make revisions to your paper, please ensure that you include a cover letter detailing your changes and any responses to reviewers when you finalise your submission.  this option does not constitute a guarantee that your paper will be published in the suggested journal, but it is our hope that this arrangement will help expedite the process for promising papers.  to learn more about the new article transfer service, please visit www.elsevier.com/authors/article-transfer-service  
yours sincerely, professor chris f. mcconville, phd dsc editor applied surface science  reviewers' comments:  reviewer #1: because of careful revision, this paper can be accepted as is.

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26楼2019-12-01 01:06:32
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