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[交流] 新加坡国立大学博后招聘——Operations Research方向

recruitment for research fellow

a research fellow position is available at National University of Singapore, under Prof James Pang. the research fellow should have experiences in mathematical modelling and solving problems with Cplex. the successful candidate will work on the modelling and building a platform for scheduling problems.

job requirements:
• possesses a PhD degree in mathematics/computer science/industrial engineering or relevant field
• excellent written and oral communication in English
• able to work independently and in teams in a multidisciplinary setting
• possess a high level of personal initiative and motivation

how to apply
applicants should send the following documents:
(i) curriculum vitae,and
(iii) a writing sample or examples of any published works to Dr Zhang Wei, isezw@nus.edu.sg

» 猜你喜欢

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