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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 【港大PhD套磁】求剖析这样的套磁回复有几成把握?已有10人参与


1st response:

It was a nice discussion with you. Your work is exciting, and keep it up!

I hope every candidate to have thought through it very carefully before making a decision to apply, because it will be a 4-year commitment for a PhD study. So if you are still interested in joining our lab after learning a bit more from our discussion and are willing to explore together more about the .........., I will be happy to support your application to our PhD programme at HKU. Please try to apply for the HKPF/UPF too if you are eligible and you can put me as your potential supervisor. As said, the competition will be very keen, and it would be hard to guarantee a place, but we can try!

Let me know your thoughts then or if any questions.

Best regards,

2nd response:

Ok. Let’s try to do some great work together!

As for the research proposal, I think you can try to focus on something you are more familiar with for time being and the application deadline is getting close. I think as long as the topic is centred around .......... would be fine.

Just some quick brainstorming here:
1) ....
2) ....
3) .....
Let me know if you have other thoughts too. You are encouraged to explore here too. The proposed work in the proposal does not necessarily be the project that you will work on eventually. So I think the key here is that you need to demonstrate through this proposal to the panel reviewers your scientific mindset and critical thinking.

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新虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

17楼2018-12-03 21:11:06
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