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[交流] Ph.D. Assistantship in Environmental Engineering in UAH

Ph.D. Assistantship in Environmental Engineering

1~2 PhD research/teaching assistant positions are available in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH: http://www.uah.edu/)starting as early as Fall, 2018.  The successful applicant is expected to conduct research in the area of sustainable water and wastewater treatment and/or non-point source pollution control. A BS in environmental engineering or a related field is required and applicants with a MS degree in pertinent fields are preferred.
UAH is a tier-one research university offering a challenging hands-on curriculum that ensures the graduates are prepared to become tomorrow's leaders. UAH is home to more than a dozen research centers and labs. The campus is in the heart of Huntsville, Alabama. Also known as the Rocket City, Huntsville has all the perks of nearby big cities like Nashville and Atlanta but with less traffic and a lower cost of living, also a mild climate perfect for year-round outdoor activities and entertainment.
Interested students are encouraged to send an email, including a CV, GRE, and TOEFL if applicable, and contact information for three references, to Dr. Wu (tingting.wu@uah.edu). The review process will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.

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2019 Fall 还会有吗
14楼2018-05-17 01:08:19
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