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[交流] 英国Glasgow大学通信与雷达组招聘雷达/射频方向博士后

Research Assistant/Associate in Radar/RF systems and sensing for health applications

You will contribute to the project INSHEP (Intelligent RF Sensing for Falls and Health Prediction) working with Dr Francesco Fioranelli and colleagues in the Communication, Sensing and Imaging group at the School of Engineering. The project will aim to develop and investigate RF/radar based technologies and sensors to perform automatic monitoring of daily activities and fall detection/prediction in the context of ambient assisted living. This will support older people and people with some form of impairments to be more independent and healthy in their own home. This project will also offer opportunities to collaborate with colleagues at the School of Computing Science (machine learning and predictive analytics) and at the MVLS College (general practice and engagement with health professionals and users).
Specifically, the job requires knowledge and involves work in design, validation and experimental testing of RF (Radio-Frequency) and radar systems, and radar signal processing (particularly in automatic classification of radar signatures). Ideally some experience in interaction with users and in designing and conducting experimental work that involves volunteers and member of the public would be beneficial but not essential.
The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications and research proposals as well as help manage and direct this complex and challenging project as opportunities allow.

Description of myself
Francesco Fioranelli graduated in Telecommunication Engineering (summa cum laude) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy for Bachelor (2007) and Master (2010) degrees. He received his PhD on through-wall radar imaging at Durham University (UK) in January 2014, and worked as a Research Associate on multistatic radar development and applications with Prof Hugh Griffiths at University College London between February 2014 and March 2016.
He then joined the School of Engineering, University of Glasgow in April 2016 as an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in the Glasgow College UESTC, between the University of Glasgow and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu, for which he is the Exam and Assessment Coordinator, and course coordinator for teaching Circuits Analysis and Design.
His research interests cover the multiple aspects of developing, testing and using bistatic and multistatic radar systems for various applications, with particular focus in approaches for automatic target classification in various contexts.
Francesco is a member of the IEEE and IET, Chartered Engineer (CEng), associate member of the EPSRC Peer Review College since July 2017, and a reviewer for several academic journals including IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and IEEE Sensors. He published over 40 journal and conference papers in various applications and aspects of radar systems, as well as 2 book chapters. He is the co-recipient of the best paper published in IET Radar Sonar & Navigation in 2017, and the Principal Investigator of the EPSRC project EP/R041679/1 INSHEP, “Intelligent RF Sensing for Falls and Health Prediction”.

Link to the advert
http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BJA606 ... ystems-and-sensing/

More information, please email to Francesco: Francesco.Fioranelli@glasgow.ac.uk
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2楼2018-04-18 10:19:39
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