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[交流] 香港理工Research Assistant可再生能源,建筑节能,零能耗建筑,暖通

There is one position available for a Full-time Research Assistant in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. The main research themes are relating to the zero energy/emission buildings, building energy technology, renewable energy systems, HVAC technology, and advanced energy and storages.

A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. The initial contract will be one year with possibility of further appointment after one year's contract.

The requirement for the applicant:
(a) With a Master degree (or will graduate soon) or equivalent in the field of HVAC technology, energy engineering, thermodynamics and heat transfer, building energy technology, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, or applied physics.
(b) Good experience in the building energy simulation, preferably TRNSYS.
(c) Good command of English language, especially for the academic writings and presentations. Preference will be given to those with a satisfactory IELTS or TOEFL score.
(d) Good academic and publication records.

For those who are interested in this position, please send your CV, transcript of records, list of publications, and English Certificate to Assistant Professor Cao by email: sunliang.cao@polyu.edu.hk
Furthermore, if PhD positions are available in the near future, the recruited research assistant with good performance will be prioritized in these position applications.

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