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[求助] I have a dilemma here已有5人参与

Today I want to talk about myself and seek some advice from you guys with a gloden heart.
During the past three years, I have taught English in Shenzhen. Now I'm teaching in a key junior middle school in my hometown-a small city in
Anhui Province. Considering our provincial capital Hefei is developing very fast, I want to go to Hefei and seek more opportunities to develop
myself. You know, the welfare and frastructure in Hefei are better than those in my hometown and in future my kid(OK, I'm single now) can have
better education. Hefei is trying to attracting more and more people to construct it and it's a good opportunity for me to join the trend. In the
meantime, I can use my major on many different platforms which my hometown can not offer. What I learned in Shenzhen and my knowledge
accumulation which has no access to share is another pity for me. As far as I'm concerned, Hefei is not far away from my hometown and I have
a big platform to use my talents. By the way, my work experiences and my education background are very competitive even in provincial capital
so that I have confidence in having a bright future. What I worry about is when I come to Hefei, I repeat the lonely life in Shenzhen and turn
a working machine. I fail to balance my job and my life again. What's more, an unfamiliar environment is not easy for me to find a reliable
boyfriend. Living in a big city makes a girl weak in feelings and I certainly know I'm not that strong-minded. I have been troubled by this problem
for a period. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. I know it well. In reality, I just can't practice it. would you kindly give me some
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8楼2018-05-17 21:39:15
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