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荣誉版主 (著名写手)

[交流] 2015 Chinese national box office sales reach 44-billion RMB已有2人参与

2015 was a great year for film box office results, with Chinese films scoring a successful year, creating new records one after another. Many are especially optimistic about the current status of domestic pictures, but is China really winning the battle with its Hollywood and interntational counterparts?
The national box office sales of 2015 reached 44-billion RMB Yuan in total, a 48% rise compared to the 29.7-billion Yuan of 2014. This is the largest growth in recent years. About 61% of the sales went to domestic productions.
More than 8-thousand new screens were put into use in 2015. That means 22 new screens opened everyday in China.
The number of people watching films in the cinema also enjoyed a 51% annual increase, surpassing 1.2-billion in 2015. Ticket sales were particularly demanding on several festive occasions, such as Spring Festival and National Day holiday slots. Online ticket services made significant contribution.
"More and more people book their film tickets online. During summer time about 80% of our tickets were booked online. This is because the ticket websites are eagerly promoting their services, so would offer a huge discount for consumers, " said Hu Qinming,Lumiere Pavilions, Beijing.
Now China is the second largest film market in the world after the United States, and proudly the fastest growing one in the world.
"I've just got back from a trip to Hollywood. Judging from what I've experienced, the film industry in China is far behind our American counterparts - We have just learned a little about the framework. It's merely a start and there's a long way to go," said Guan Hu, the director.

What's more, having created a few top-grossing or critically acclaimed films doesn't add credit to the poorly-produced ones. When it comes to the average quality of domestic film productions, there's still room to improve.

"For a fully developed franchise, box office sales are not the only source of income. The Blu-ray releases and digital distribution, official merchandise, even video games and theme parks are all profitable aspects," said Ni Yuehong, Deputy Director, Beijing Film Academy.

In China, these aspects of a film production are hardly developed. However, films such as "Monster Hunt" and the recent "MOJIN - The Lost Legend" have showed further potential for becoming a fully developed franchise, with a growing commercial value and slickness to these Chinese blockbusters.

It seems that with bigger and better local films and growing audiences, the growth of the Chinese market will not only benefit itself, but also be expected to rival Hollywood some time soon.

话说 寻龙诀和老炮儿我都还没看,据说挺不错的额。
昨天元旦上映的小门神我倒是去做贡献了。电影院人不少,但一般都是父母带着10岁左右的孩子一起观影。我一个巨龄儿童挤在其中有那么一点点害羞⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄
我所感受的缺点就是以上。小门神的优点还是占大部分的。关于网友说剧情幼龄化我是不同意的。主角门神 卖卖萌,犯犯蠢,有点中二病,时刻不忘身负的保护家这一重任而且对这份工作爱得深沉。剧情中穿插的神仙再就业培训还是很不错的,这充分说明了神仙也是头脑简单的。两位女主角个性不够柔和,人物设定的不够圆润这只能怪剧长不够了。最让我喜欢的是这部剧的整体画面,简直美翻了!!江南风情恰到好处,画面精致传神。主设人物粗糙了点,老婆婆老公公一大把年纪了还顶着婴儿肥的脸也是有点接受不了,但是~~花仙那件裙子真的是戳到我爱美的心尖尖了,打斗中衣袂游冶,仙气飘飘。花瓣之战有点糙但是大画面有了,精细还远吗?既然追光动画开始进军动画界,以后的动画一定会越来越好。因为起点够高,人才够多,技术够好。
There is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknow.
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金虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

2楼2016-01-02 17:10:14
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荣誉版主 (著名写手)

2楼: Originally posted by 长风流月 at 2016-01-02 17:10:14

There is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknow.
3楼2016-01-04 09:15:36
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金虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
4楼2016-01-04 09:56:55
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