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木虫 (小有名气)

[求助] IEEE communications letters被拒,求大神推荐哪些杂志接收letter(无线网络)?已有2人参与

今天毫无意外的收到了拒稿并且不能重投的结果,感觉摘要写的差劲影响了整篇文章。打算按照审稿人的意见好好修改语法以及问题后投其他期刊,可是文章又太鸡肋,只有四页。求大神推荐可以接收短文的SCI杂志(wireless powered communication networks 方向)。

目前了解到的有TVT的短文(文章low low的),IEEE wireless communication letter (EI), 都不是很合适。


Dear Author(s):

The review of the referenced manuscript, CL2015-2372, is now complete. I regret to inform you that based on the enclosed reviews and my own reading of your manuscript, I am unable to recommend its publication in IEEE Communications Letters.

Your paper may not be resubmitted for review. The reasons for this are as follows: While the topic of the paper is interesting, the presentation of the paper is poor which makes it difficult to properly assess the technical content. From this, and considering the many questions and requests for clarifications that are raised by the reviewers, my assessment is that the paper will need a complete rewriting, beyond a typical revision.

Additional comments include:

The reviewers' comments are found at the end of this email.

Thank you for submitting your work to the IEEE Communications Letters.


Prof. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad

IEEE Communications Letters
Reviewer: 1

Comments to the Author
The authors deal with the movement strategy in a sensor network, where an FD sink node broadcasts energy at the downlink and receive data at the uplink. Although, the general idea of the paper is interesting and timely, the paper is poorly written and the contribution unclear.
1. It is very difficult to follow the system model and the main assumptions of this work i.e., the proposed protocol is unclear and the two operation modes are not well defined.
2. Although, the authors assume perfect SIC for the FD operations, Eq (2) introduces a loop interference and harvesting from the loop-channel.
3. If the nodes hold a single battery, it is not reasonable to assume harvesting/transmission in the same time. This is a limitation of the process and should be discussed.
4. Section IV is not clear; notation and text require fundamental revision in order to clarify the proposed algorithm

Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author
This is an interesting work which is to combine full duplexing with SWIPT in wireless sensor networks. A new strategy of movement of data collecting nodes is proposed and some simulation results are provided. The reviewer is supportive to this paper with the following comments:

1. The reviewer is concerned whether sensors can use full duplexing and also wireless EH, since both are quite complicated/expensive and might not be implemented in low cost sensors.

2. Some clarifications are needed for how self interference (loop back noise) can be handled.

Reviewer: 3

Comments to the Author
The authors present an interesting in-band full duplex scheme where data is transmitted in one direction and energy is harvested in the other. This scheme could potentially solve some of the WSN energy problems. Although novel there are some remarks which justify rejecting the paper.

-The overall quality of the English language is bad.
--Often no article is present. For example: by taking advantage of energy transmitter’s controlled mobility
--Incorrect use of the word 'besides'.
--Incorrect grammar. For example: the set of left unreachable sensor nodes
--Network formulation stage --> network formation stage
—full duplex —> in-band full duplex, this is a more commonly used terminology.
-The proposed full duplex scheme where the u_i’s transmit data and receive energy is not really full duplex. It is not needed to cancel the self-interference in this case as we are not decoding any information here. Moreover, cancelling the SI lowers P_H,i. In your scheme the sensor nodes don’t need to be full duplex capable. The sink node on the other hand needs to cancel the transmitted energy in order to be able to decode the received packets from the sensor nodes.
-Figure 2 is really confusing. From this figure it looks like your meaning of full duplex is data in both directions on top of the energy harvesting.
-In your energy model you don’t take into account the energy consumption for the SIC.
-What about the battery of s? In the introduction, you mention this could be a UAV but you don’t take its battery into account. Typically these moveable nodes also have a limited amount of energy.
-Section V: H_U,i equal to 0.5 is unrealistic. In free space this is equal to a transmission range of around 2cm for 2.4GHz. In a field of 10km by 10km this is not realistic.
-The authors did not compare their results with others techniques. They also did not provide any measures on energy or network lifetime.
-Interesting results would be:
—How many nodes are exhausted compared to other techniques? Does your algorithm perform better?
—How much energy is saved using this technique?
—How long does this extend the network lifetime?

Reviewer: 4

Comments to the Author
It is not clear whether the gradient based strategy obtain an approximated solution or the optimal solution.

The introduction does not provide sufficient background for joint charging and data gathering problem in WPCN. Numerous protocols have been proposed to address the  relevant problem. The authors are referred to a recent survey as follows.

X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and Z. Han, "Wireless Charging Technologies: Fundamentals, Standards, and Network Applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.

The proposed approach is not well evaluated. It is not clear how the proposed approach perform compared to other approaches based on TSP such as [7],[8].

In simulation, why is the channel gain a fixed value? It should be related to the charging distance and fading.

In figure 4 what is the moving direction for the sink?

In figure 5, the route of the sink does not cover all the area, so how the sensors around the border upload their information?

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感谢参与,应助指数 +1
whcyb: 金币+50 2016-01-06 17:36:17
IEEE embedded system letter
Electronics letters
IEICE electronics express
2楼2015-12-14 21:08:37
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木虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by garrisongao at 2015-12-14 21:08:37
IEEE embedded system letter
Electronics letters
IEICE electronics express

主要是第一个不是sci啊,另外两个可能跟这块的主题不相符。大神还有其他推荐的吗?我发现ieice t com下面好像有一个position paper

3楼2015-12-14 21:56:23
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新虫 (初入文坛)

同病相怜,今儿也收到IEEE CL reject看来是同一批被拒的。

4楼2015-12-15 01:49:39
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木虫 (正式写手)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
ieee signal processing letters 考虑一下,不过比CL更难一点
另外为啥卤煮说tvt的短文low low的,比CL不是强多了嘛
5楼2015-12-15 21:06:25
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木虫 (小有名气)

我的意思是我的文章low low的,投tvt毫无底气啊

6楼2015-12-15 21:21:16
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木虫 (小有名气)

5楼: Originally posted by BellaVita at 2015-12-15 21:06:25
ieee signal processing letters 考虑一下,不过比CL更难一点
另外为啥卤煮说tvt的短文low low的,比CL不是强多了嘛

我的意思是我的文章low low的,投tvt毫无底气啊,另外,我看了一下spl的主题,貌似与它的主题不符啊。

7楼2015-12-15 21:24:55
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新虫 (正式写手)

8楼2015-12-15 21:31:54
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新虫 (初入文坛)

9楼2016-01-03 22:26:22
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新虫 (初入文坛)

10楼2016-12-08 22:38:10
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