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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 求教IECR审稿意见问题已有3人参与

The reviews for your manuscript are included below. The reviewers have raised points that require significant consideration and revision of the manuscript before it is suitable for publication. However, with adequate response and revision, the manuscript may be acceptable for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Please give careful consideration to the reviewers’ comments and revise the manuscript as may be appropriate. The revised manuscript will be returned to the reviewers for further comments. We would like to receive your revision as soon as possible, by 02-Dec-2015 at the latest. Please note that poor English grammar and writing style are grounds for rejection, regardless of the quality of technical content. 
Reviewer: 1 

Comments to the Author 
The manuscript needs major revision before possible publication. 
1) English should be improved and many typos corrected 
page 4 line 33 affected instead of effected 
page 3 line 19 volumetric floret instead of volume flow 
3.3 Pliot scale instead of Pilotscale, etc, etc 
2) Figure 7 
How did you measure static adsorption capacity? 
3) Did you follow PH3 concentration at the column outlet during adsorbent regeneration? Please show such curves 
4) I guess this is a problem of adsorption coupled with chemical reaction. There are many reports in the area of carbon masks related to this topic which should be mentioned and may help to clarify the analysis of results. 
D. Friday publications 
R.C. Soares, et al, “Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Mask Adsorptive Reactors”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34, 2762-2768 (1995). 
J.M. Loureiro, et al, “Dynamics of Adsorptive Reactors”, in Preparative and Production Scale Chromatographic Processes and Applications, pp. Chromatographic Science Series, G. Ganetsos, P.E. Barker (ed.), Marcel Dekker, 1993. 
Reviewer: 2 

Comments to the Author 
In this paper the effect of blank 13X zeolite, or modified with CuCl2 and ZnCl2 was studied for removing phosphine from circular hydrogen of polysilicon CVD stove. As remarked by the authors, the removal of trace PH3 in circular hydrogen from stove is critical to ensure the quality of silicon products. Through this work it is shown that adsorption technologies can be every effective for that purpose. 

The synthesis procedure and characterization of the adsorbents is conveniently described. The fixed bed adsorption experiments were also well planned and the results very clear regarding the performance of blank 13X, and modified with CuCl2 and ZnCl2, especially regarding it′s regeneration in the modified forms since the economics of the process will depend on their working life. 

My major remark regarding this work is related with the regeneration studies, since it seems clear from the studies that adsorption in 13X modified with CuCl2 is chemical (Figure 9), and the modification with ZnCl2 results in a strong physical adsorption of PH3. Accordingly, after 2 or 3 cycles Cu-13X will be probably deactivated and should be throwaway increasing the economics of the process. For Zn-13X the energy needed to regenerate the adsorbent (Figure 13) will also increase the economics of the process. 

It will be important for the readers to see if blank 13X is fully regenerable even if the breakthrough time of PH3 is must lower than in the modified adsorbents. Accordingly, I suggest the authors to show also regeneration experiments of PH3 (desorption experiments with pure H2 or N2 and also the influence of temperature) for blank 13X and show effect in the breakthrough time in the following cycles. If adsorption of PH3 in blank 13X is physical with a lower binding energy force than in the case of modified Zn-13X, the regeneration of the adsorbent could be more efficient. Figure 4 shows a very nice breakthrough time of PH3 at -15oC (Figure 4) which means that a well-designed adsorption cycle can also transform blank 13X as a potential adsorbent to remove PH3 from circular hydrogen of polysilicon CVD stove. 
Reviewer: 3 

Comments to the Author 
This MS presents the adsorption of PH3 via loading CuCl2 or ZnCl2 on 13X. I cannot recommend its publication because this MS was very poorly written both in English and technical quality. The authors must first ask a native English speaker to help in editing the MS. Also the MS must follow the standard format requirement of I&ECR. So far the reference citation is quite a mess. 
我想请教一下前两个审稿人的意见是不是意味着修改后可以接收,第三个审稿人的意见中technical quality很差是指论文写作方面的还是研究内容及方法方面的,他没有任何具体意见,不知道怎么改。我该怎么回应这些审稿人的意见啊,请赐教。
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银虫 (正式写手)

★ ★ ★
小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
自私的猫1988: 金币+2, 鼓励交流 2015-11-04 10:13:10

2楼2015-11-04 08:55:12
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by daul at 2015-11-04 08:55:12
整体看,一是大修,二是小修(稍偏向大修 ...

3楼2015-11-04 11:48:00
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银虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
3楼: Originally posted by 天才+1 at 2015-11-04 11:48:00

不必客气。我个人感觉编辑不会再找其他审稿人代替第三个审稿人,一方面是因为第一二个审稿人的报告已经非常详细了,另一方面是因为第三个审稿人其实没有提出任何具体的问题和意见。编辑既然决定给大修的机会,应该对工作本身还是比较认可的,所以很有可能一二同意后就接收了,但是还是两点要注意:一是语言 二是认真回复第三个审稿人,即便很大可能他不会再看到稿子。
4楼2015-11-04 23:28:41
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禁虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

5楼2016-01-15 16:32:53
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新虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
5楼: Originally posted by wanlihan at 2016-01-15 16:32:53


6楼2018-04-17 00:04:55
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