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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)

[资源] 【MATLAB书籍204】《利用MATLAB进行数字信号处理的基础》(英文第2版)【无重复】

【MATLAB书籍204】《Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB》(英文第2版)【已搜索,无重复】

作者:Robert J. Schilling and Sandra L. Harris
页码:788 页
This innovative text and CD-ROM focuses on the fundamentals of digital signal processing with an emphasis on practical applications. In order to motivate students, many of the examples illustrate the processing of speech and music. This theme is also a focus of the course software that features facilities for recording and playing sound on a standard PC. The accompanying CD-ROM contains a comprehensive MATLAB software package called the Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (FDSP) toolbox. The FDSP toolbox includes chapter GUI modules, an extensive library of DSP functions, all computational examples that appear in the text, the text figures, solutions to selected problems, and online help documentation. Using the interactive GUI modules, students can explore, compare, and directly experience the effects of signal processing techniques without any need for programming.

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