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[交流] Journal of Chromatography A 顺利Accept,散金888以表祝贺!


Dear Prof. ***,

On behalf of the editor handling your paper, Prof. ***, I am pleased to inform you about the acceptance of the manuscript entitled:


Your paper will soon be passed to the production department for further handling. Then, you will receive further information regarding page proofs, transfer of copyright, etc.

When your paper is published on ScienceDirect, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. To help you get your message across, Elsevier has developed a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown (publicly available) next to your published article. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and attract interest. You will receive an invitation email to create an AudioSlides presentation shortly. For more information and examples, please visit http://www.elsevier.com/audioslides.

With kind regards

Journal Manager
Journal of Chromatography A


4.9    Submitted to the Journal
4.13  Under review
4.22  Under review
5.12  Under review
5.28  Decision in process
5.29  Moderate revision
6.15  Revisions submitted to the journal
6.15  Under review
6.15  Decision in process
6.16  Accept


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92楼2015-06-16 17:30:42
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