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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

[资源] 木虫首发无机元素化学领域牛书!2012年Wiley《稀土元素:基础与应用》


书籍名称:The Rare Earth Elements:Fundamentals and Applications
书籍作者:David A. Atwood
页数:629 Pages
Lanthanides are of great importance for the electronic industries, this new book (from the EIBC Book Series) provides a comprehensive coverage of the basic chemistry, particularly inorganic chemistry, of the lanthanoid elements, those having a 4f shell of electrons. A chapter is describing the similarity of the Group 3 elements, Sc, Y, La, the group from which the lanthanoids originate and the group 13 elements, particularly aluminum, having similar properties. Inclusion of the group 3 and 13 elements demonstrates how the lanthanoid elements relate to other, more common, elements in the Periodic Table. Beginning chapters describe the occurrence and mineralogy of the elements, with a focus on structural features observed in compounds described in later chapters. The majority of the chapters is organized by the oxidation state of the elements, Ln(0), Ln(II), Ln(III), and Ln(IV). Within this organization the chapters are further distinguished by type of compound, inorganic (oxides and hydroxides, aqueous speciation, halides, alkoxides, amides and thiolates, and chelates) and organometallic. Concluding chapters deal with diverse and critically important applications of the lanthanoids in electronic and magnetic materials, and medical imaging.
Contributors xi
Series Preface xv
Volume Preface xvii
Geology, Geochemistry, and Natural Abundances of the Rare Earth Elements 1
Scott M. McLennan and Stuart Ross Taylor
Sustainability of Rare Earth Resources 21
David A. Atwood
The Electronic Structure of the Lanthanides 27
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias
Variable Valency 35
Andrew W. G. Platt
Group Trends 43
Andrew W. G. Platt
Solvento Complexes of the Lanthanide Ions 55
Simon A. Cotton and Jack M. Harrowfield
Lanthanides in Living Systems 65
Simon A. Cotton and Jack M. Harrowfield
Lanthanides: Coordination Chemistry 73
Simon A. Cotton and Jack M. Harrowfield
Organometallic Chemistry Fundamental Properties 83
Stephen T. Liddle
Lanthanides: “Comparison to 3d Metals” 105
Simon A. Cotton
Luminescence 111
Julien Andres and Anne-Sophie Chauvin
Lanthanides: Luminescence Applications 135
Julien Andres and Anne-Sophie Chauvin
Magnetism 153
Bing-Wu Wang and Song Gao
The Divalent State in Solid Rare Earth Metal Halides 161
Gerd Meyer
Lanthanide Halides 175
Timothy J. Boyle and Leigh Anna M. Steele
Lanthanide Oxide/Hydroxide Complexes 183
Zhiping Zheng
Lanthanide Alkoxides 197
Timothy J. Boyle and Leigh Anna M. Steele
Rare Earth Siloxides 205
Clemens Krempner and Brian McNerney
Thiolates, Selenolates, and Tellurolates 215
John G. Brennan
Carboxylate 225
Jia-sheng Lu and Ruiyao Wang
Lanthanide Complexes with Amino Acids 237
Zhiping Zheng
β-Diketonate 249
Ke-Zhi Wang
Rare Earth Borides, Carbides and Nitrides 263
Takao Mori
Lanthanide Complexes with Multidentate Ligands 281
Xiaoping Yang, Richard A. Jones and Wai-Kwok Wong
Alkyl 299
Simon A. Cotton
Aryls 303
Simon A. Cotton
Trivalent Chemistry: Cyclopentadienyl 307
Roman A. Kresinski
Tetravalent Chemistry: Inorganic 313
Farid M. A. Sroor and Frank T. Edelmann
Tetravelent Chemistry: Organometallic 321
Farid M. A. Sroor and Frank T. Edelmann
Molecular Magnetic Materials 335
Bing-Wu Wang and Song Gao
Near-Infrared Materials 347
Lining Sun and Liyi Shi
Superconducting Materials 371
Antonio J. Dos santos-Garcia, Miguel á. Alario-Franco and Regino Sáez-Puche
Metal-Organic Frameworks 385
John Hamilton Walrod II and David A. Atwood
Upconversion Nanoparticles for Bioimaging Applications 389
Jiefu Jin and Wing-Tak Wong
Oxide and Sulfide Nanomaterials 405
Takuya Tsuzuki
Rare Earth Metal Cluster Complexes 415
Gerd Meyer
Organic Synthesis 437
Yuichiro Mori and Shũ Kobayashi
Homogeneous Catalysis 459
Yingming Yao and Kun Nie
Heterogeneous Catalysis 475
John Hamilton Walrod II and David A. Atwood
Supramolecular Chemistry: from Sensors and Imaging Agents to Functional Mononuclear and Polynuclear Self-Assembly Lanthanide Complexes 481
Jonathan A. Kitchen and Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson
Endohedral Fullerenes 495
Daniel L. Burriss and David A. Atwood
Lanthanide Shift Reagents 501
Carlos F. G. C. Geraldes
Lanthanides: Magnetic Resonance Imaging 521
Sophie Laurent, Luce Vander Elst, Sebastien Boutry and Robert N. Muller
Luminescent Bioprobes 535
Anne-Sophie Chauvin
Sensors for Lanthanides and Actinides 561
Gabriela I. Vargas-Zúñiga and Jonathan L. Sessler
Index 575


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