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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

[资源] 氢能手册(Handbook of hydrogen energy)

Handbook of hydrogen energy
Author(s):        S A Sherif; D Yogi Goswami; Elias K Stefanakos; Aldo Steinfeld
Series:        Mechanical and aerospace engineering (CRC Press)       
Publisher:        CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group       
City:        Boca Raton, FL
Year:        2014       
Language:        English       
Pages:        xviii, 1040 pages : ill
Can hydrogen and electricity supply all of the world's energy needs? Handbook of Hydrogen Energy thoroughly explores the notion of a hydrogen economy and addresses this question. The handbook considers hydrogen and electricity as a permanent energy system and provides factual information based on science. The text focuses on a large cross section of applications such as fuel cells and catalytic combustion of hydrogen. The book also includes information on inversion curves, physical and thermodynamic tables, and properties of storage materials, data on specific heats, and compressibility and temperature-entropy charts and more. Read more...
Table of contents :

Content: Front Cover; Contents; Foreword; Editors; Contributors; Chapter 1: Hydrogen Economy; Chapter 2: Overview of Hydrogen Production; Chapter 3: Reformation of Hydrocarbon Fuels; Chapter 4: Hydrogen Production Using Solid Fuels; Chapter 5: Hydrogen Production from Biomass and Fossil Fuels; Chapter 6: Hydrogen Production by Supercritical Water Gasification; Chapter 7: Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells; Chapter 8: Nuclear Hydrogen Production by Thermochemical Cycles; Chapter 9: Biological Hydrogen Production: Dark Fermentation; Chapter 10: Biological Hydrogen Production: : Light-Driven Processes. Chapter 11: Photobiological Hydrogen ProductionChapter 12: Solar Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen; Chapter 13: Solar Photoelectrochemical Production of Hydrogen; Chapter 14: Life Cycle Analysis and Economic Assessment of Solar Hydrogen; Chapter 15: Overview of Hydrogen Storage, Transportation, Handling, and Distribution; Chapter 16: Gaseous Hydrogen Storage; Chapter 17: Cryogenic Refrigeration and Liquid Hydrogen Storage; Chapter 18: Magnetic Liquefaction of Hydrogen; Chapter 19: Compact Hydrogen Storage in Cryogenic Pressure Vessels; Chapter 20: Metal Hydrides. Chapter 21: Complex HydridesChapter 22: Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Storage; Chapter 23: Chemical Hydrogen Storage; Chapter 24: Hydrogen Adsorption and Storage on Porous Materials; Chapter 25: Hydrogen Storage in Hollow Microspheres; Chapter 26: Slush Hydrogen Storage; Chapter 27: Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines; Chapter 28: Hydrogen Enrichment; Chapter 29: Distribution Networking; Chapter 30: Development of Hydrogen Safety Codes and Standards in the United States; Chapter 31: International Codes, Standards, and Regulations for Hydrogen Energy Technologies. Chapter 32: Sensors for the Hydrogen EconomyAppendix A: Thermophysical Properties of Hydrogen; Appendix B: Virial Coefficients of Gaseous Hydrogen; Appendix C: van der Waals Constants for Common Gases; Appendix D: Mean Free Path and Related Properties of Common Gases; Appendix E: Vapor Pressure of Hydrogen, Helium, and Neon below 300 K; Appendix F: Properties of Cryogenic Fluids; Appendix G: Viscosity of Common Gases; Appendix H: Binary Diffusion Coefficients of Common Gases; Appendix I: Diffusion of Common Gases in Water; Back Cover.
Abstract: This comprehensive handbook on all aspects of hydrogen energy technology provides the technical know-how for creating a hydrogen-based economy. In such an economy, hydrogen is the main carrier, along with electricity, and is produced from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind energy. Read more...氢能手册(Handbook of hydrogen energy)

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  • 2015-03-09 14:44:19, 14.95 M

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