The role of graphene for electrochemical energy storage
Rinaldo Raccichini, Alberto Varzi, Stefano Passerini* and Bruno Scrosati*
Since its first isolation in 2004, graphene has become one of the hottest topics in the field of materials science, and its highly appealing properties have led to a plethora of scientific papers. Among the many affected areas of materials science, this ‘graphene fever’ has influenced particularly the world of electrochemical energy-storage devices. Despite widespread enthusiasm, it is not yet clear whether graphene could really lead to progress in the field. Here we discuss the most recent applications of graphene —both as an active material and as an inactive component — from lithium-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors to emerging technologies such as metal–air and magnesium-ion batteries. By critically analysing state-of-the-art technologies, we aim to address the benefits and issues of graphene-based materials, as well as outline the most promising results and applications so far.
基本上涵盖了目前针对于储能发面的全部内容,包括锂离子电池,钠离子电池以及后锂电池和钠电池等。 |