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木虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 原版图书第6季 ScienceDirect 出版 生物技术百科全书 5320页


Comprehensive Biotechnology
作者: Moo-Young, Murray; Butler, Michael; Webb, Colin
ISBN13: 9780444533524
类型: 精装
出版日期: 2011-09-09
出版社: Pergamon
页数: 5320
重量(克): 16669
尺寸: 276 x 219 x 363 mm


The second edition of "Comprehensive Biotechnology" continues the tradition of the first inclusive work on this dynamic field with up-to-date and essential entries on the principles and practice of biotechnology. The integration of the latest relevant science and industry practice with fundamental biotechnology concepts is presented with entries from internationally recognized world leaders in their given fields. With two volumes covering basic fundamentals, and four volumes of applications, from environmental biotechnology and safety to medical biotechnology and healthcare, this work serves the needs of newcomers as well as established experts combining the latest relevant science and industry practice in a manageable format. It is a multi-authored work, written by experts and vetted by a prestigious advisory board and group of volume editors who are biotechnology innovators and educators with international influence.
All six volumes are published at the same time, not as a series this is not a conventional encyclopedia but a symbiotic integration of brief articles on established topics and longer chapters on new emerging areas.Hyperlinks provide sources of extensive additional related information material authored and edited by world-renown experts in all aspects of the broad multidisciplinary field of biotechnologyScope and nature of the work are vetted by a prestigious International Advisory Board including three Nobel laureatesEach article carries a glossary and a professional summary of the authors indicating their appropriate credentialsAn extensive index for the entire publication gives a complete list of the many topics treated in the increasingly expanding field原版图书第6季 ScienceDirect 出版 生物技术百科全书 5320页

[ Last edited by anruoka on 2014-11-24 at 09:25 ]

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  • 附件 1 : 《Comprehensive_Biotechnology》Second__Edition.docx
  • 2014-11-21 15:14:20, 13.99 K

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