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[资源] 【资源】Microfluid Mechanics (Nanoscience and Technology)

By William Liou, Yichuan Fang
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Number Of Pages: 350
Publication Date: 2005-06-24
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071443223
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071443227
Binding: Hardcover

The rapid progress in fabricating and utilizing microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems during the last decade is not matched by corresponding understanding of the unconventional fluid flow involved in the operation and manufacture of these small devices. Providing such understanding is crucial to designing, optimizing, fabricating and operating improved MEMS devices. Microfluid Mechanics: Principles and Modeling is a rigorous reference that begins with the fundamental principles governing microfluid mechanics and progresses to more complex mathematical models, which will allow research engineers to better measure and predict reactions of gaseous and liquids in microenvironments.


[ Last edited by zhjf on 2009-1-12 at 19:26 ]
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