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木虫之王 (知名作家)

[资源] 2015年新著——工程师用MATLAB程序与计算方法简介(英文版)

"An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers" by Timmy Siauw and Alexandre M. Bayen
ElSciAe | 2015 | ISBN: 0127999140 9780127999142 9780124202283 | 316 pages | PDF | 40 MB

This book enables you to develop good computational problem solving techniques through the use of numerical methods and the MATLAB® programming environment. Tips, warnings, and "try this" features within each chapter help the reader develop good programming practices

Part One introduces fundamental programming concepts, using simple examples to put new concepts quickly into practice.
Part Two covers the fundamentals of algorithms and numerical analysis at a level allowing you to quickly apply results in practical settings.

Chapter summaries, key terms, and functions and operators lists at the end of each chapter allow for quick access to important information

Brief Contents
List of Figures
1 MATLAB® Basics
2 Variables and Basic Data Structures
3 Functions
4 Branching Statements
5 Iteration
6 Recursion
7 Complexity
8 Representation of Numbers
9 Errors, Good Programming Practices, and Debugging
10 Reading and Writing Data
11 Visualization and Plotting
12 Linear Algebra and Systems of Linear Equations
13 Least Squares Regression
14 Interpolation
15 Series
16 Root Finding
17 Numerical Differentiation
18 Numerical Integration
19 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
ElSciAe | 2015 | ISBN: 0127999140 9780127999142 9780124202283 | 316 pages | PDF | 40 MB

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : IntroductionMATLABProgramming.pdf
  • 2014-11-07 15:50:45, 40.22 M

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