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[资源] 英文专著-钛合金的组织结构模拟及其应用

Given their growing importance in the aerospace, automotive, sports and medical sectors, modelling the microstructure and properties of titanium and its alloys is a vital part of research into the development of new applications. This is the first time a book has been dedicated to modelling techniques for titanium.

Part one discusses experimental techniques such as microscopy, synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. Part two reviews physical modelling methods including thermodynamic modelling, the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami method, finite element modelling, the phase-field method, the cellular automata method, crystallographic and fracture behaviour of titanium aluminide and atomistic simulations of interfaces and dislocations relevant to TiAl. Part three covers neural network models and Part four examines surface engineering products. These include surface nitriding: phase composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, morphology and corrosion; nitriding: modelling of hardness profiles and kinetics; and aluminising: fabrication of Ti coatings by mechanical alloying.

With its distinguished authors, Titanium alloys: Modelling of microstructure, properties and applications is a standard reference for industry and researchers concerned with titanium modelling, as well as users of titanium, titanium alloys and titanium aluminide in the aerospace, automotive, sports and medical implant sectors.Comprehensively assesses modelling techniques for titanium, including experimental techniques such as microscopy and differential scanning calorimetryReviews physical modelling methods including thermodynamic modelling and finite element modellingExamines surface engineering products with specific chapters focused on surface nitriding and aluminising
Содержание :
Front matter, Pages i-iii
Copyright, Page iv
Author contact details, Page xi
Author's Preface, Pages xiii-xvii
1 - Introductiontotitanium alloys, Pages 1-8
2 - Microscopy, Pages 11-32
3 - Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction, Pages 33-69
4 - Differential scanning calorimetry and property measurements, Pages 70-91
5 - Thermodynamic modelling, Pages 95-116
6 - The Johnson–Mehl–Avrami method: isothermal transformation kinetics, Pages 117-164
7 - The Johnson–Mehl–Avrami method adapted to continuous cooling, Pages 165-202
8 - Finite element method: morphology of β to α phase transformation, Pages 203-236
9 - Phase-field method: lamellar structure formation in γ-TiAl, Pages 237-256
10 - Cellular automata method for microstructural evolution modelling, Pages 257-269
11 - Crystallographic and fracture behaviour of titanium aluminide, Pages 270-289
12 - Atomistic simulations of interfaces and dislocations relevant to TiAl, Pages 290-297
13 - Neural network method, Pages 301-330
14 - Neural network models and applications in phase transformation studies, Pages 331-364
15 - Neural network models and applications in property studies, Pages 365-410
16 - Surface gas nitriding: phase composition and microstructure, Pages 413-450
17 - Surface gas nitriding: mechanical properties, morphology, corrosion, Pages 451-496
18 - 18 Nitriding: modelling of hardness profiles and the kinetics, Pages 497-531
19 - Aluminising: fabrication of Al and Ti–Al coatings by mechanical alloying, Pages 532-548
Index, Pages 549-569

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