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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

[资源] 2014新书:锂离子电池纳米材料-基础及应用(英文)

Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and Applications
by Rachid Yazami
Hardcover: 462 pages
Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing (Oct. 8 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9814316407
ISBN-13: 978-9814316408

This book covers the most recent advances in the science and technology of nanostructured materials for lithium-ion application. With contributions from renowned scientists and technologists, the chapters discuss state-of-the-art research on nanostructured anode and cathode materials, some already used in commercial batteries and others still in development. They include nanostructured anode materials based on Si, Ge, Sn, and other metals and metal oxides together with cathode materials of olivine, the hexagonal and spinel crystal structures.

Table of Contents
Silicon Nanowire Electrodes For Lithium-Ion Battery Negative Electrodes,

Nanoscale anodes of silicon and germanium for lithium batteries,

Nano-Electrochemical Approach For Improvement Of Lithium-Tin Alloy Anode,

Subject and Its Breakthrough Technology for New Alloy Electrode System,

Nanometer anode materials for Li-ion batteries,

Lithium reaction with metal nanofilms,

High Rate Li-Ion Intercalation In Nanocrystalline Cathode Materials For High Power Li-Ion Batteries,

LiFePO4: from an insulator to a robust cathode material,

Redox reaction in size-controlled LixFePO4,

Reduced graphene oxide-based hybrid materials for high rate Li-ion batteries,

High Energy and High Power Li-Ion Cells,

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专业书籍(外文版)WM 锂电资源共享 纳米技术与能源及模拟 好书!好读!
锂离子电池正极材料 Allen的英文原版+百科 ....锂电池┆_____ 锂电收藏
新能源 科研电子书共享 电化学、材料模拟、金属材料及各大材料 碳材料
化工 纳米材料+光电子学 电化学&有机合成 锂离子电池正极材料
昊天子-锂电材料 锂离子电池 动力电池开发 【无机、物化】书籍、课件、文献
Lithium ions batteries Allen的电化学 Lithium batteries 科研资料
深度情怀 感觉有用的帖子 锂离子电池 图书
Books 能源器件 格物致知

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