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WORLD WIDE WEB: Internet and Web Information Systems
Special Issue on: Web Multimedia Semantic Inference Using Multi-Cues
(http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/journal/11280?detailsPage=societies )

1. Scope:

With the popularity of mobile media applications and Web 2.0 techniques, user-generated multimedia contents such as blogs, text messages, photos, videos, user click log and POI check-ins become so pervasive that it is now feasible to exploit them as multiple cues for web multimedia semantic inference. Different semantic cues may be temporally synchronized, spatially related, semantically connected, or otherwise click-through related. The correlations provide abundant context information for web multimedia semantic analysis. Recently, innovative technical developments and practical applications of utilizing multiple cues on the web has attracted increasing research interest like web multimedia retrieval using multi-cues, describing web multimedia data with context, or even social media mining and knowledge discovering for practical applications on the web. This special issue serves as a forum for researchers all over the world to discuss their works and recent advances in web multimedia semantic inference using multi-cues. Both state-of-the-art works, as well as literature reviews, are welcome for submission. Especially, to provide readers of the special issue with a state-of-the-art background on the topic, we will invite one survey paper, which will undergo peer review. This special issue seeks to present and highlight the latest developments on large scale web multimedia semantic analysis. Papers addressing interesting real-world applications are especially encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

•  Heterogeneous feature fusion and feature selection

•  Multi-task/transfer learning and domain adaptation for web multimedia analysis

•  Context and content fusion in social multimedia tagging

•  Describing web multimedia data with contextual information

•  Multimodal deep learning for web multimedia semantic inference

• Cross-modal web multimedia retrieval using visual features, textual information and click-through data

•  Inter-media hashing and indexing

•  Social media mining on the web and mobile internet

•  Heterogeneous knowledge discovery on the web

•  Real-world applications of web multimedia semantic inference using multi-cues, e.g., recommendation, summarizing, sharing, enhancement, synthesis, and location-based multimedia services.

2. Submission Guideline:

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Instructions for Authors available from the online submission page of the World Wide Web Journal at springer.com. All the papers will be peer-reviewed following the World Wide Web Journal reviewing procedures.

Notes: when submitting your manuscript (https://www.editorialmanager.com/wwwj/), at the step of “Select Article Type”, please choose this special issue.

Important Dates:
•  Paper Submission: November 15, 2014

•  First Notification: January 15, 2015

•  Revised Manuscript: February 15, 2015

•  Notification of Acceptance: April 1, 2015

•  Final Manuscript Due: May 1, 2015

Guest Editors

Yahong Han, School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, China, Email: yahong@tju.edu.cn

Yi Yang, School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Email: yi.yang@uq.edu.au

Xiaofang Zhou, School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Email: zxf@uq.edu.au

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2楼2014-09-01 10:01:35
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