Surface Chemistry Essentials
Author(s):K. S. Birdi
Published: by CRC Press
Content:285 Pages | 132 Illustrations
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1439871787
ISBN-13: 978-1439871782
Surface chemistry plays an important role in everyday life, as the basis for many phenomena as well as technological applications. Common examples range from soap bubbles, foam, and raindrops to cosmetics, paint, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. Additional areas that rely on surface chemistry include modern nanotechnology, medical diagnostics, and drug delivery. There is extensive literature on this subject, but most chemistry books only devote one or two chapters to it. Surface Chemistry Essentials fills a need for a reference that brings together the fundamental aspects of surface chemistry with up-to-date references and data from real-world examples.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Surfaces Chemistry Essentials
What Is Surface Chemistry?
Essential Surface Chemistry Concepts
Capillarity and Surface Forces in Liquids (Curved Surfaces)
Origin of Surface Forces in Liquids
Capillary Forces: Laplace Equation, and Liquid Curvature and Pressure (Mechanical Definition)
Capillary Rise or Fall of Liquids (Capillary Forces)
Soap Bubbles: Formation and Stability
Measurement of Surface Tension of Liquids
Typical Surface Tension Data of Liquids
Appendix 2A: Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Surface Tension of Liquids (Corresponding States Theory of Liquids)
Surfactant (Soaps and Detergents) Solutions: Essential Surface Properties
Surface Tension Properties of Aqueous Solutions
Gibbs Adsorption Equation in Solutions
Applications of Surface Active Agents
Appendix 3B: Solubility of Organic Molecules in Water (A Surface Tension–Cavity Model Theory)
Monomolecular Lipid Films on Liquid Surfaces and Langmuir-Blodgett Films
Other Changes at Water Surfaces Due to Lipid Monolayers
Effect of Lipid Monolayers on Evaporation Rates of Liquids
Monolayers of Macromolecules at the Water Surface
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) Films (Transfer of Lipid Monolayers on Solids)
Bilayer Lipid Membranes (BLMs)
Diverse Applications
Solid Surfaces: Adsorption and Desorption of Different Substances
Solid Surface Tension: Wetting Properties of Solid Surfaces.
Contact Angle of Liquids on Solid Surfaces
Measurements of Contact Angles at Liquid–Solid Interfaces
Adsorption of Gases on Solid Surfaces
Adsorption of Substances from Solution on Solid Surfaces
Solid Surface Roughness (Degree of Roughness)
Surface Tension of Solid Polymers
Diverse Applications
Appendix 5C: Gas Adsorption on Solid Surface—Essential Principle Theory
Wetting, Adsorption, and Cleaning Processes
Oil Recovery Technology and Surface Forces
Applications in Cleaning Processes
Evaporation Rates of Liquid Drops
Adhesion between Two Solid Surfaces (Glues)
Colloidal Dispersion Systems: Physicochemical Essential Properties
Colloids Stability (DLVO Theory)
Kinetics of Coagulation of Colloids
Dispersions of Solid Particles in Fluids
Applications of Colloid Systems
Gas Bubbles: Thin Liquid Films and Foams
Soap Bubbles and Foams
Applications of Foams and Bubbles
Emulsions, Microemulsions, and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Formation of Emulsions (Oil and Water)
Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Applications of Emulsions
Emulsion Stability and Structure
Essential Surface and Colloid Chemistry in Science and Industry
Food Emulsions (Milk Industry)
Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopes to Surface and Colloid Chemistry
Drug Delivery Design
Building and Cement Industry
Fracking Industry: Gas and Oil Recovery from Shale Deposits
Other Industrial Applications
Appendix: Common Fundamental Constants
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