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铜虫 (著名写手)

[交流] If you have one day of free time every week alone, how enjoy the time?

Hello everyone, during the daytime, at the weekend or the work day. if you have one day of free time, and have no work, no date,  just yourself, how you enjoy the time?

if i have the time, i will orange that day like this:

At the morning, i will make the delicious food, listen the music and then see Japanese or English speaking teleplay. because i can learn Japanese and English at the same time, and i will forget all the world, just enjoying the store of the teleplay completely relaxed.

At the noon, i will sleep for 45 mins, and then get up to eat some fruit, at the same time, i will go on see the teleplay. when the sun goes down, i will go to the park to take a work and enjoy the beauty of the sunset. one and a half hour later, i will go back. when i pass the convenience store, i will buy some food and ice-cream, et al.

when i came back, at the night, i will cook some soup, and enjoy a movie. after that, i will call my mother, my sister, and some of my friends. then if i have time i will see some forum. finishing all this plan, i will call  my husband, and chat for half an hour, then go to sleep.

so beautiful day that i expect. but now, i have no time, i must learn Japanese, English, see papers, try my best to contact with much more friends as possible to establish a good  interpersonal relationship. then my life here will be much easier. then i will have large mount of such nice days to enjoy my life here. but during this summary holiday, i will set myself free for one day to enjoy my private space in my own little world.

If you have one day of free time every week alone, how enjoy the time?

[ Last edited by 475502411 on 2014-7-19 at 16:28 ]
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铜虫 (著名写手)

19楼: Originally posted by 第三定律 at 2014-07-19 17:07:51
It is a fine topic but I am afraid that I have nothing useful to share with you. I will surf the Internet during the most free time . Then I will play the badmiton with my collegue if the weathe is OK

surfing the internet is bad to you eyes and healthy, but badminton is a good choice that i like it. thank you for your share with us.
20楼2014-07-19 19:22:23
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金虫 (正式写手)

Lopemann: 金币+1, Japanese drama and English subtitles? 2014-07-18 21:30:51
I really want to know that how do you learn Japanese and English at the same time?
2楼2014-07-18 20:50:37
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


so beautiful this place.
3楼2014-07-18 21:05:08
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铜虫 (著名写手)

★ ★
Lopemann: 金币+2, Japanese style English is pretty broke, right? 2014-07-18 21:37:14
2楼: Originally posted by 若珏之欢颜 at 2014-07-18 19:50:37
I really want to know that how do you learn Japanese and English at the same time?

now, i stay in Japan, so I must learn Japanese. at the same time, i always communicate with some of my friends in english, so i must learn english at the same time. besides, when i write papers, i also need to improve my english.
4楼2014-07-18 21:29:38
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