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[资源] ★★★★★★★2014书籍超级贴零零四《I Still Can’t Speak English》

Read how you can finally learn to speak English quickly by curating your own free and hugely effective social learning and social media English course.

Follow the process and you will improve as much as the learners in the real case studies. One, a typically frustrated adult Chinese English learner, went from beginner to intermediate after just 18 hours of practice.

Millions can read and write English but don't feel comfortable speaking it. They are trying to practise using Facebook, Google Plus, Skype and online language exchanges like Livemocha.com and Italki.com. They know they need to practise. But, effective practice is not as easy as most people think. It requires proper preparation and process to be transformational.

English Out There, developed on the streets of London over 7 years with real paying students, has helped thousands of frustrated learners to experience rapid and permanent improvement.

The world's learners have been exploited for profit by the global English language (ELT) industry by being sold courses designed to teach reading and writing when most want to speak.


Why Do We Talk?
How We All Learn to Speak
The Psychology of Speaking English
What Stops You Speaking?
Learning How to Speak (again)
Case Study 1: Jane
Case Study 2: Liliana
Summary of Case Studies
What We Think Happens
How to Plan Your Personalized English Course
Your Free Technological Tool Kit
Meeting English Speakers & Building Learning Relationships
Getting Going
Sample Lessons
Course Planners
About the Author

Jason has over 20 years of self-employed experience in English language teaching and learning. In 1992, at the age of 25, he co-founded an English language school in London’s Soho and within two and half years the school had achieved British Council accreditation.

An interest in the psychology of learning led Jason to feel that something could be done to improve the way his students acquired English speaking skills. As a result, in 2001, he created the Out There course concept, where students engage directly with fluent or native speakers at every stage of their language development.

After around 250,000 hours of teaching on the streets of London Out There published their unique course materials which can be used both offline and on. The online element came out of a fascination with social networking and free internet telephony such as Facebook and Skype. Out There was the first social media English course and made the European Commission’s top 10 formal uses of social media for language learning in 2011. It continues to evolve and become even more relevant in an increasingly social and connected world. It is also probably the only published English language program that encourages the use of ‘before’ and ‘after’ video and audio clips to demonstrate its unusual effectiveness.

Apart from founding and running Languages Out There Jason works with a number of other companies in the language, social learning and communications fields. He is also a school governor and local activist. He lives in Weymouth, Dorset, with his partner and two young sons. In his spare time he starts campaigns and swims in the English Channel regularly to keep fit and relax.★★★★★★★2014书籍超级贴零零四《I Still Can’t Speak English》

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  • 附件 1 : 003.pdf
  • 2014-06-25 09:11:22, 5.28 M

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金虫 (知名作家)

★★★★★ 五星级,优秀推荐

2楼2014-06-25 11:30:22
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