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木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] Postdoctoral research opportunity in the Pfaendtner research group 附信全文

I have an immediate opening for one new postdoctoral research associate.  Please feel free to pass along this information to qualified applicants and send them my way.  Details about the project and needed expertise are below:

Project Overview: An independent and motivated postdoctoral research associate is desired to work on projects related to peptide adsorption and the role of mineral interfaces in peptide aggregation.  The project will study phenomena at disparate length and time scales and make use of various multiscale modeling techniques (e.g., coarse-grained modeling and enhanced sampling).

Needed Expertise: A solid background in statistical mechanics and classical molecular simulation are essential requirements for this position.  Expertise with highly parallel MD codes (e.g., GROMACS or LAMMPS) is preferred.  Knowledge of multiscale modeling techniques such as coarse-graining or enhanced sampling is preferred. Successful applicants will have a demonstrated track record of writing high-quality English language peer-reviewed publications and independently starting and directing new research projects.

Research Environment: Collaborations with multiple experimental groups are already established and there is significant opportunity to drive the direction of the project. There are ample computational resources that are centrally managed by campus services and opportunity for access to national supercomputing resources.

Location: Seattle, WA is a desirable living location with many amenities and easy access to camping, hiking, skiing

Application Instructions: Please send a cover letter outlining your experience and your CV to Jim Pfaendtner (jpfaendt@uw.edu). Please state specifically in your cover letter when your earliest available start date is. Your CV should contain the names of up to three references who can provide context and support if letters are requested.  Jim Pfaendtner will begin review of applications immediately.

Thanks and best wishes,

Jim Pfaendtner

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemistry
University of Washington

A man gets what he earns when he earns it.
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