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[交流] Journal Impact Factors on July 29, 2014已有19人参与

Thomson Reuters Launches Game-Changing Enhancements to Its Flagship Research Analytics Platform Providing Unparalleled Scholarly Benchmarking & Analysis
Next generation InCites, with Essential Science Indicators and Journal Citation Reports, available July 2014 and to include this year’s Journal Impact Factors

10 JUN 2014

PHILADELPHIA—The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals and the most trusted source of scholarly research resources, announced the upcoming launch of its enhanced Research Analytics solution built in partnership with the research community: InCites, the only integrated, web-based scholarly platform for measuring research output and impact, monitoring trends, and benchmarking articles, journals, institutions, people and regions.

Essential Science Indicators and Journal Citation Reports (JCR), two globally trusted scholarly analysis solutions, are being rolled into next generation InCites creating a seamless connection across the platform. The launch of this year’s Journal Citation Reports, the most comprehensive collection of profiles and metrics supporting deep evaluation of journal attributes and performance – and including the much anticipated Journal Impact Factors – will coincide with the release of the next generation InCites on July 29, 2014.

Next generation InCites uses the industry’s most trusted content and proven citation metrics from the Web of Science as the foundation for objective analytics that evaluate output, performance and trends; understand the scope of an organization’s scholarly contributions, by individual or team; and articulate actionable outcomes to refine research priorities. Subscribers of both Web of Science and InCites will see the valuable metrics of highly cited authors, hot papers and journal impact factors embedded within search results to provide an analytics-based discovery experience. Provosts, funders, government policy makers, information professionals, research analysts, librarians and publishers will benefit from this unparalleled solution with a fresh, intuitive interface for conducting research evaluation and benchmarking.

“Our clients have repeatedly expressed the need for additional benchmarking and analytics to ensure they are accurately documenting their activity and assessing their competitive position,” said Gordon Macomber, managing director, Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarly Research. “The launch of next generation InCites marks an important day for the scientific community. Moving forward, academic assessment, evaluation and benchmarking will be simpler, clearer and even more precise, enabling scholarly professionals to make more informed decisions by connecting research to impact.”

The next generation InCites interface is flexible and intuitive enough for both experienced and novice researchers to gain insight into research performance. The redesign includes new visualizations and analysis of Journal Impact Factors with direct linking from JCR to article-level data for open, transparent analysis alongside data on top research/researchers in Essential Science Indicators. InCites is the first to support third-party partner content for even deeper industry intelligence such as media monitoring and integration with ranking providers. According to Macomber, “Next generation InCites leads with analysis, while delivering access to best-in-class data behind the scenes. Web of Science and InCites are now integrated to form a single-destination, unique environment for the most precise scientific and scholarly research.”

Thomson Reuters Research Analytics solutions help organizations better understand their research activities, enabling programs to attract top researchers, secure funding, facilitate collaborations, benchmark against peers and allocate resources. The most relevant data points, indicators and technology are available through the services developed by the Research Analytics product development group, with a scalable, global team of experts who provide meaningful interpretations and recommendations.

Learn more about the next generation InCites.

Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization. For more information, go to www.thomsonreuters.com.

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2楼2014-06-15 21:40:51
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2楼: Originally posted by nono2009 at 2014-06-15 21:40:51

3楼2014-06-15 21:51:14
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

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3楼: Originally posted by shizishanshang at 2014-06-15 21:51:14

4楼2014-06-15 21:53:48
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