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[资源] ★★★★★★★2014书籍超级帖一五一《无机纳米颗粒》高清版英文书籍

书名 Nanomaterials and Their Applications
作者M. Meyyappan
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4398-1762-9 (Ebook-PDF)
Editors............................................................................................................................................ xiii
1 Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Perspectives—An
Claudia Altavilla and Enrico Ciliberto
2 Inorganic Nanoparticles for the Conservation of Works of Art.................................. 17
Piero Baglioni and Rodorico Giorgi
3 Magnetic Nanoparticle for Information Storage Applications....................................33
Natalie A. Frey and Shouheng Sun
4 Inorganic Nanoparticles Gas Sensors...............................................................................69
B.R. Mehta, V.N. Singh, and Manika Khanuja
5 Light-Emitting Devices Based on Direct Band Gap Semiconductor
Nanoparticles........................................................................................................................ 109
Ekaterina Neshataeva, Tilmar Kümmell, and Gerd Bacher
6 Formation of Nanosized Aluminum and Its Applications in Condensed
Phase Reactions.................................................................................................................... 133
Jan A. Puszynski and Lori J. Groven
7 Nanoparticles for Fuel Cell Applications....................................................................... 159
Jin Luo, Bin Fang, Bridgid N. Wanjala, Peter N. Njoki, Rameshwori Loukrakpam,
Jun Yin, Derrick Mott, Stephanie Lim, and Chuan-Jian Zhong
8 Inorganic Nanoparticles for Photovoltaic Applications.............................................. 185
Elif Arici
9 Inorganic Nanoparticles and Rechargeable Batteries.................................................. 213
Doron Aurbach and Ortal Haik
10 Quantum Dots Designed for Biomedical Applications.............................................. 257
Andrea Ragusa, Antonella Zacheo, Alessandra Aloisi, and Teresa Pellegrino
11 Magnetic Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery................................................................... 313
Claudia Altavilla
12 Nanoparticle Thermotherapy: A New Approach in Cancer Therapy.......................34313 Inorganic Particles against Reactive Oxygen Species for Sun Protective
Wilson A. Lee and Miriam Raifailovich
14 Innovative Inorganic Nanoparticles with Antibacterial Properties Attached
to Textiles by Sonochemistry............................................................................................ 367
Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Eva Wehrschuetz-Sigl, Georg M. Guebitz,
Ilana Perelshtein, and Guy Applerot
15 Inorganic Nanoparticles for Environmental Remediation......................................... 393
Thomas B. Scott
16 Inorganic Nanotubes and Fullerene-Like Structures—From Synthesis to
Maya Bar-Sadan and Reshef Tenne
17 Inorganic Nanoparticles for Catalysis............................................................................. 475
Naoki Toshima
18 Nanocatalysts: A New “Dimension” for Nanoparticles?............................................ 511
Paolo Ciambelli, Diana Sannino, and Maria Sarno
Claudia Altavilla, Enrico Ciliberto-Inorganic Nanoparticles_ Synthesis, App.jpg



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专业书籍(外文版)WM 锂电资源共享 纳米技术与能源及模拟 好书!好读!
Nano&Micro Allen的英文原版+百科 科研资料 专业电子书
锂电收藏 2014书籍超级帖 淘贴淘宝 纳米材料
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电子资源 Graphene 科研啊 努力啊 希望有用啊 生物材料类型
超分子与自组装 经典与现代物理学 有用的资源 物理化学
纳米生物学 coating 材料计算 技巧与应用
侧耳倾听 Nanomatershow 书籍2 电化
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