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[求助] JAPS in prodution 后怎么处理已有2人参与

Dear Prof. ××
I am delighted to inform you that your manuscript #  APP-2013-12-** entitled "***" has been found to be worthy of publication in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science.

Please note, however, that final acceptance of your manuscript is contingent on submission of a clean, production-ready manuscript, along with tables in the proper format and figures with the correct resolution for publication.

Your most recently uploaded manuscript files are currently being examined; if adjustments are required we will contact you shortly with more details and guidance on how to upload your files.

***Once you receive our format instructions, please upload your production-ready files WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS.***

Delays in uploading production-ready files will unnecessarily delay final acceptance and publication, and might lead to eventual withdrawal of your manuscript.
本人很好奇他说的收到format instruction后3个工作日提交,并且邮件有一个(Journal-of-Applied-Polymer-Science-production-requirements)的附件,所以不知道这个附件是不是所谓的format instruction,但是看到这句”Your most recently uploaded manuscript files are currently being examined; if adjustments are required we will contact you shortly with more details and guidance on how to upload your files.”的意思是等编辑回信在处理。并且投稿系统里没有提交的按钮啊?我应该怎么办?求投过JAPS的大神回复一下!
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