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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] Immediate Openings for PhD/Postdoc in BME at the U of Houston

The Predictive Modeling and Functional Imaging (PreMI) Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Houston is now inviting applications for multiple Graduate Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Research Associate positions for its  research in biomechanics. The major responsibilities for this position are:   
•        Generate subject-specific computational models of human pelvis floor from subjects’ specific high-resolution MR/CT images, and
•        Conduct dynamic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis for pelvic floor dysfunctions using commercial FEA/CFD software, and
•        Design and perform experiments to determine mechanical material properties of soft biological tissues.  
Miscellaneous responsibilities may include:
•        Design and conduct various experiments (e.g.: EMG recording);
•        Research liaisons with our cooperators in hospitals/ companies/ institutes;
•        Experimental and simulation data collection and analysis;
•        Participation in routinely group meeting and preparation of report for leading investigators;
•        Authorship in reports, conference papers and publications
•        …   
Applicants are expected to be active, responsible and self-motivated. Applicants with the following qualifications are preferred:
•        Experience in using FEA/CFD software (e.g.: Abaqus, ANSYS, etc.),
•        Experience in using CAD, graphic or medical imaging software for 3D geometrical model reconstruction (e.g. Mimics) and mesh rendering/refinement,
•        Knowledge in constitutive modeling of biological soft tissue (e.g. viscoelasticity, nonlinear mechanics, etc.),
•        Knowledge in human anatomy or physiology,
•        Experience in using MATLAB to meet research needs.

Postdoc Position: Candidates should hold a PhD or equivalent in biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, or a related field.

Ph.D. Student:
The Ph.D. programs are open to all qualified individuals with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or Master’s of Science (M.S.) in Biomedical/Mechanical Engineering or related field.
Applicants should meet the basic admission requirement of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. More information can be found at UH BME homepage: http://www.bioe.uh.edu/
After admission, Ph.D. student(s) will be fully funded by the department and research funding and work as Graduate Research Assistant(s) (RA).

To apply, please e-mail CV (in PDF) to Prof. Yingchun Zhang at yzhang94@uh.edu.

The University of Houston (UH) is the leading public research university in the vibrant international city of Houston, the nation’s fourth-largest city and the energy/medical capital of the world.
UH is located very close to the largest medical center in the world, the Texas Medical Center (TMC). With 54 membership institutions and 7.1 million annual patient visits, TMC has abundant clinical resources. The collaboration with TMC ensures a rapid exchange of ideas, providing high-quality patient care, cutting-edge clinical and biomedical research and the most innovative biomedical education and training of future biomedical scientists.
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金虫 (正式写手)


3楼2014-03-14 08:15:02
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)

4楼2014-03-14 10:28:10
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新虫 (初入文坛)

GRE 要求太高了。 没倒分数线能不能申请啊
5楼2014-03-22 08:22:31
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