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> Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 22:02:17 -0400
> From: polymers@rsc.org

> Subject: Polymer Chemistry - Decision on Manuscript ID PY-ART-05-2013-000558
> 16-May-2013
> Dear Prof. :
> I write you in regards to manuscript # PY-ART-05-2013-000558 entitled "Synthesis and characterization of aminoporphyrin-end-functionalized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with photodynamic effect, thermo-responsive property for PDT treatment" which you submitted to Polymer Chemistry.
> In view of the comments of the reviewer(s) found at the bottom of this letter, we cannot proceed with the publication of your manuscript in Polymer Chemistry.
> Thank you for considering Polymer Chemistry for the publication of your research. I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.
> Sincerely,
> Associate Editor, Polymer Chemistry
> tangbenz@ust.hk
> Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
> Referee: 1
> Comments to the Author
> The manuscript authored by Duan et. al. described the preparation of phorphyrin end functionalized PNIPAM by ATRP. The themoresponsive property of such polymer has been investigated. Also there were a lot of papers reported the polymerization behavior by using phorphrin centered functionalized agents as the initiator in ATRP or CTA in RAFT for different kinds of monomers, such as styrene, MMA, or thermoresponsive PDEA. The ATRP of NIPAM using mono-functional phorphrin initiator was interesting. Furthermore, the potential PDT application of such materials was interesting. The preperties was investigated with well-organized experiment. However, some important information must be clarified before this manuscript can be published.
> 1. Page 5: ¡°poly(nbutyl acrylate)¡± should revised as ¡°poly(n-butyl acrylate)¡±;
> 2. Page 6: ¡°In this paper, we synthesized amphiphilic copolymers¡­¡±. It was confused that the author using ¡°copolymer¡± to describe the polymer they prepared. Normally, copolymer means the polymer prepared with two or more monomers. However, in the current manuscript, only NIPAM was used as the monomer. Thus, the authors cannot obtain ¡°copolymer¡±. Numerous similar words can be found in the manuscript;
> 3. Page 7: in the GPC part, the author should mention the details of columns used for the characterization, such as type, column numbers, molecular weight range of the columns etc. The molecular weight obtained from GPC is the relative value, it was differed with the conditions and calibration standard;
> 4. Page 8: the molar ratio of monomer to initiator for the ATRP was set as 20:1. The obtained molecular weight of the polymer with the as high as 15000 Da at the conversion of 50% (Table 1). The author should mention such high differs between thoretical molecular weight with GPC determined molecular weight. Normally, the molecular weight of PNIPAM determined by GPC using PS as the calibrate was differed with their actual value. However, the result showed in current manuscript indicated that the molecular weight obtained from NMR was very closed to the value obtained from GPC. Thus, other methods should be used to determine the exact molecular weight of PNIPAM. The author should provide the results by using SEC with UV-detector and laser scatter detector. Furthermore, aggregation of the phorphrin core always happen in the solution. Such aggregation would evidently affect the determination of molecular weight by SEC. Thus, the MALDI-TOF spectra of polymers should be provided to verify the structure of the PNIPAM. The information of molecular weight in current manuscript is extremely important for the following thermo-responsive behaviro investigation;
> 5. The elution trace of GPC should be provided in the support information;
> 6. Page 13: The metalization of porphyrin core was very easy to happen in ATRP. The NMR results indicated that the signal according to proton within porphyrin core was dissappeared after the polymerization confirmed such metalization. However, the author using the structure with free porphyrin core throught the manuscript. Also, it was important to verify such metalization. The information of copper concentration in PNIPAM should be provided;
> 7. Page 12: ¡°The signals appeared at -2.85 ppm¡­assigned to the end amino¡­¡± should be verified;
> 8. Page 16: please give the definition of QF2 in Table 2;
> 9. Page 17: Figure 8. The results showed that the LCST was decreased with the increasing of molecular weight. Well relationship with the LCST of porphyrin functionalized PNIPAM and molecular weight was observed. As it well-know that the LCST of PNIPAM was related to its molecular weight. Thus, the comparation of LCST for the porphyrin functionalized PNIPAM with PNIPAM should be carried out with the same molecular weight and same conditions. Otherwise, the statement made by authors in Page 18 ¡°¡­the LCST of ¡­ was higher than PNIPAM when the molecular weight was lower¡­¡± was meaningless.
> Referee: 2
> Comments to the Author
> This is a interesting research work. In this study, the photodynamic effect, thermo-responsive property and luminescent property of the copolymer were investigated through MTT, Turbidimetry, and Fluorescence measurement, and the copolymer was characterized by 1H NMR spectra, Infrared spectra, UV-Vis spectra and gel permeation chromatography. This manuscript could be accepted after the following points are addressed:
> 1) The part of introduction need to be described in detail about the research in recent years. The advance of this article needs to be highlighted.
> 2) Language in manuscript need to be polished further. The text needs to be carefully checked.
> 3) The author didn¡¯t explain the purpose of the property of thermosensitive. It should be explained.
> 4) In Fig. 5 and Fig. 4, the assigned characteristic absorption peaks of porphyrin should be pointed out in detail.
> 5) In Fig. 6 , the Figure note should not be replaced with (a), (b), (c).
> 6) The discussion of Fig. 10 in manuscript failed to be consistent with the result of Fig. 10. It should be explained.


Dear Prof.
Thanks for your letter in response to our previous submission of our manuscript # PY-ART-05-2013-000558 entitled "Synthesis and characterization of aminoporphyrin-end-functionalized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with photodynamic effect, thermo-responsive property for PDT treatment". I am sorry to learn that our manuscript was rejected. After having carefully read your letter, I feel little bit confused as your decision. Two reviewers made a lot of constructive suggestions to our manuscript, and affirmed the research work we have made at the same time. We carefully considered the reviewers¡¯ comments and would like to further modify the manuscript according to your letters.
Point-by-point responses to the reviewers¡¯ comments and reversed manuscript are enclosed in appendix. I will be most grateful if you could offer us a second opportunity (or an additional opportunity if the rejected manuscript is already a revised one).
Look forward to hearing from you soon,
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,


Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Referee: 1
Comments to the Author
This paper reports on the synthesis and characterization of aminoporphyrin-end-functionalized poly(N-isopropylamide), which shows photodynamic effect and thermo-responsive property for PDT treatment. The paper is of some interests to be potentially publishable. In this revised version, the authors have tried to address the comments raised by the reviewers to improve the quality. However, certain issues are still remained and must be addressed carefully before the paper can be considered for publication.
1.        There are still numerous grammar and spelling mistakes (at least more than 30)  in the manuscript, although the authors claimed that they had tried to revise and check the manuscript carefully in this revised version based on the comments from reviewer 2.  Authors should ask an English expert to check their manuscript.
2.        Cancer cells are not ¡°cancel cells¡±. There are a few places with ¡°cancel cells¡±.
3.        These porphyrin compounds are not ¡°dyad¡±.
4.        Why the authors have to prepare a diamino-porphyrin and modify one amino group for ATRP initiator?
5.        The authors need to be precise about the synthetic procedure and the purity characterization of organic compounds in this paper to ensure the reported procedure can be successfully repeated by others later. In this manuscript, 1H NMR was used as the primary technique to determine structure identity, and elemental analysis data was provided as the solid evidence for the purity.  Even though the assignment of the 1H NMR spectrum of TPP was presented clearly in Fig. S1, the interpretation of 1H NMR spectrum of TPP was wrong and needs to verify (Page 6). The interpretation of NMR spectrum of compound NH2-TPP-Cl (in Page 7) needs also to be checked carefully and corrected properly. According to RSC requirements, the acceptable EA data (especially for C, H, N) needs to be in the range of ¡À0.4% for the new molecules for the high purity. However, the EA data provided in this revised version for most of new compounds (including compound 1, 3, 4) exceeds the acceptable range. Thus this set of elemental analysis needs to be double checked.
6.        In Page 10, ¡°This signals appeared at -2.85 and 10.78 ppm assigned to the end amino and acylamino of porphyrin, respectively¡± needs to be corrected, since this description is not consistent with the spectrum assignment in Fig. 4 and -2.85 ppm CAN NOT be assigned to the end amino group. In addition, in Page 12 the authors stated ¡°¡­..the signals appeared at 9.8 and 5.5 ppm assigned to the end amino and acylamino of porphyrin¡­¡± Thus a careful verification will be greatly appreciated to avoid any further confusion.
7.        The reference part needs to be carefully corrected and revised in the RSC format. For example,  ¡°4. S. L. Manoto MTech, N. N. Houreld DTech, H. Abrahamse PhD, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2013, 45, 196-194.¡±
8.        Page 19, ¡°... (P2, Mn,GPC = 5820; P3, Mn,GPC = 5820¡± should be double checked. In the same page, ¡°thereby polymers with lower molecular weight always exhibit cffcient photoxicity.¡± What does this mean?
9.        Figure 6. How can the authors get porphyrin¡¯s emission around 470 nm? Porphyrins with similar structure of TPP should only emit at red spectral window around 650 nm.
10.        The authors did not mention whether the polymers are cell permeable or not. This is critical, if the polymers are not permeable, they are difficult to use.
11.        Table 2. About quantum yields. Is the quantum yield expressed in percentage? Authors should show the quantum yield of TPP in the table. I cannot find the detailed procedure for the quantum yield measurement and what a reference the authors used for the measurement. The detailed procedure should be provided.

Referee: 2
Comments to the Author
Although the subject of this manuscript, i.e. the development of thermoresponsive photosensitizers, is interesting, the scientific value is very poor. First, it is not clear how the thermoresponsiveness contribute to the beneficial properties of the constructs. Second, the authors suggest in the introduction some pH responsiveness (see fig. 2), however this aspect was not investigated. Third, particle formation and stability at physiological conditions was not investigated at all. Forth, the reason for cancer cell selectivity was not investigated. For those main reasons and many other issues detailed below, I strongly recommend to reject this manuscript for publication.

Further comments are:
1)        Phototoxicity experiments can not be compared with cell viability experiments, because they were carried out at 0 and 37 degrees, respectively. Dark measurements should be carried out under exactly the same conditions as the phototoxicity experiments but with the exclusion of light. Therefore, any conclusions from phototoxicity experiments are not validated.
2)        The English grammar is very poor and many words are misspelled; this would need substantial improvement. Just to mention few examples: dyad (=dye?), corn (=core), substations (=substituents), present tense should be used when referring to figures and tables, and so on and so forth.
3)        Figure 1 is useless.
4)        Paragraph 2.3: attribution of aminophenyl peak in NMR is different from figure S2.
5)        When attributing FTIR peaks, references to literature should be given.
6)        Page 10 (just above fig. 3): NMR peak at -2.85 can not be assigned to the end amino group.
7)        At least one typical MALDI-TOF spectrum should be shown in the supporting information. Moreover, from these spectra it should in principle be possible to determine the mass of the end group. This would have been highly valuable for the characterization of the polymers.
8)        Why are the authors convinced that the peak at 5.5 ppm in fig. 5 is attributed to the free amine? It is known (and is also clear from the different spectra shown in this manuscript) that the position of amine peaks highly fluctuates depending on solvent, water content, temperature, etc. Therefore, it is quite ambiguous to calculate the molecular weight from this peak, and I would recommend skipping this part when the authors decide to resubmit this manuscript somewhere else.
9)        Since the porphyrin peaks can not be separately discerned in the FTIR spectra of the pNIPAm conjugates, it can not be concluded that the product was successfully prepared (last sentence of paragraph 3.1). So far, the only indications are the UV/vis and fluorescence spectra. To make this more conclusive, it is strongly recommended to perform GPC measurements with UV/vis and/or fluorescence detection at the wavelength of the porphyrine units.
10)        Section 3.2, page 13: the authors mention aggregated particles, while UV/vis spectra were recorded in CH2Cl2 solutions? Moreover, on the next page the authors mentioned that aggregation was avoided. This seems odd and contradicting.
11)        What is ¡°grant electron effect of repeating unit NIPAM¡±? Should be explained with proper references.
12)        According to figure S6, the fluorescence is strongly quenched at elevated temperature in water. This will have strong negative implications for future PDT in vivo! Unfortunately, fluorescence quantum yields were only calculated in organic solution, not at physiological relevant conditions.
13)        The last sentence of section 3.2 is invalid, because the influence of concentration was determined below the LCST, so not at physiological relevant conditions.
14)        Two sections were numbered 3.2 (page 13 and 16). Similarly, section 3.3 should be 3.4, and so on.
15)        On page 17, the authors mentioned the presence of long alkoxy substituents on the peripheral benzene rings of porphyrin??????? I don¡¯t see them in the structures shown in this manuscript !
16)        The  synthesis and characterization of non-functional pNIPAM polymers used as controls in cytotoxicity experiments was not described.
17)        First sentence of current section 3.4 is useless.
18)        Page 19: The significance of the suggested higher phototoxicity of P2 to cancer cells than P3 should be proven by proper statistical analysis of the results.
19)        The statement ¡°Preferential and specific accumulation around the tumor cells¡± (conclusion section) is not investigated in this manuscript and should therefore be removed from this section.
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Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled ¡°***¡±. (Manuscript Number: ***), although the status of ¡°Under Review¡± has been lasting for more than eight weeks, since submitted to journal two months ago. So I would like to inquire about the status of our manuscript.
I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer¡¯s comments.
Thank you very much for your consideration.

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5Â¥: Originally posted by wangyillang at 2014-03-03 21:42:11
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2014-03-03 21:33   »Ø¸´  
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2014-03-03 22:55   »Ø¸´  
2Â¥: Originally posted by yangkl at 2014-03-03 21:28:31

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