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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] Revise & resubmit ,中的概率大吗?已有2人参与

TPDS-xxxx-xx-xxxx, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  "
Manuscript Type: Regular
Dear xxxx,
We now have reviews of your above referenced submission to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Copies of the review comments are enclosed.
After considering the reviews and recommendation of the Associate Editor, I have determined that you should revise the paper as per review comments and resubmit as a new paper. The history of the paper will be preserved, but, it will be treated as a NEW submission and given a new log number.
If you choose to revise and resubmit your paper, please include this original log number TPDS-xxxx-xx-xxxxwhen submitting and include a detailed summary of the changes you made in response to the AE and reviewers comments. We will include your previous manuscript's history in its files. The AE may choose to send the paper to the original reviewers so that the continuity is preserved.
Reviewer: 1
Recommendation: Revise And Resubmit As “New”
Please rate the manuscript. Please explain your choice.: Fair
Recommendation: Author Should Prepare A Major Revision For A Second Review
Please rate the manuscript. Please explain your choice.: Good
Recommendation: Author Should Prepare A Major Revision For A Second Review
Please rate the manuscript. Please explain your choice.: Fair

[ Last edited by zheng1987917 on 2014-1-9 at 18:10 ]

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[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
2楼2014-01-09 17:58:47
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新虫 (著名写手)

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3楼2014-01-09 18:13:32
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