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[资源] PEDOT:一种本征导电聚合物的原理与应用(英文版)

PEDOT: Principles and Applications of an Intrinsically Conductive Polymer by Andreas Elschner, Stephan Kirchmeyer, Wilfried Lovenich and Udo Merker
English | 2010-11-02 | ISBN: 142006911X | PDF | 377 pages | 14.2 MB

The unparalleled large-scale commercial application of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), otherwise known as PEDOT, continues to fuel a need for literature about it that is concise, easily available, but sufficiently comprehensive.

Designed to meet the requirements of readers from different areas of expertise and experience with the substance, PEDOT: Principles and Applications of an Intrinsically Conductive Polymer provides a comprehensive overview of chemical, physical, and technical information about this preeminent and most forwardly developed electrically conductive polymer.

An indispensable resource for researchers, developers, and users of PEDOT—written by the researchers who succeeded in commercializing it
A necessary response to the massive interest—as well as patents and papers—spawned by PEDOT, this handbook provides basic knowledge and explores technical applications, based on information generated by universities and academic research, as well as by industrial scientists. Available in various formulations and conductivities, this versatile PEDOT can be adapted for the needs and specific industrial applications of its different users. Although valuable information exists in handbooks on polythiophene chemistry and physics, under which PEDOT falls, until now, few if any books have focused exclusively on this important conducting polymer—certainly not one that so completely elucidates both its experimental and practical aspects.

This book:
Begins with a brief history of conducting polymers and polythiophenes
Describes the invention of PEDOT and its commercial outgrowth, PEDOTSS
Emphasizes key technical and commercial aspects and usage of PEDOT and how they have stimulated scientific research in a wide range of fields
Explains the chemical and physical background for PEDOT in terms of its primary use and incorporation in products including cellular phones and flat panel displays
Valuable for readers at any level of familiarity with PEDOT, this one-stop compilation of information offers specialists several unpublished results from the authors’ celebrated work, as well as often overlooked information from patents. Balancing sufficient detail and references for further study, this book is a powerful tool for anyone working in the field.PEDOT:一种本征导电聚合物的原理与应用(英文版)
English | 2010-11-02 | ISBN: 142006911X | PDF | 377 pages | 14.2 MB

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