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[½»Á÷] The power of F. P. G. A

The power of  F.  P.  G.  A

Recently a lot of my neighbors asked my parents about my secret of studying well in school. They want their children to be like me, such as entering in an ideal university and get a Master¡¯s degree or PhD. They also think there must be some kind of methods to teach children about how to study well. Maybe my parents have given them some suggestions. But I think if they ask me about how to study well, I will tell them something from my own experiences.
     Looking back to all my past education and studying experiences, I should say it¡¯s not easy for me to get where I am today. After getting in to this college, I finished my Bachelor¡¯s degree, Master¡¯s degree and PhD in a row. And then I went to Tsinghua Univerisy, a dream university for many, to finish my post-doc with a grade A. If you think I have a talent for study, then I should tell you that I used to fail many exams when I was in high school. And I was really bad at study when I was in primary school, where I was almost kicked out of my school because of my bad test scores and academic performance. I always thought I was a born an average boy because I really could not find anything or any field where I could be outstanding or a bit better than other students around me. And my English used to suck a big time. For a model English test with full score of 150 in high school, I only got 75, which once made me certain that I was not cut out for learning English. But somehow, everything changed dramatically since I went into my college. Since my second year in college, I was always the top student in my class, and after graduation I was recommended to enter the graduate school to continue my graduate study without the postgraduate school entrance exam, which is considered as hash by many. After I got my Master¡¯s degree, I applied for the entrance exam for doctoral study and my test score turned out to be the highest among all the competitors. I have won all these competitions, and fulfilled all what my parents¡¯ expectations. It¡¯s not because I am talented or smarter than others, it¡¯s just because I have paid all what it takes. I was born an average person but if you saw how I had achieved all these with my hard work, I guess you will not be surprised to see why I am here today, not like my neighbors who remembered I was such a naughty boy.
I think there are many factors determining or influencing one¡¯s academic performance. And for different people, the key factors may be different. As far as I am concerned, the most important factors for me to study well in school and get all my degrees are as follows: F P G A.

     F: The power of Focus. Since senior high school years, I became really focused on my study. I knew I was not smarter than others. So what I did in order to compete with others was to stay focused on my study and spend more time on it. At that time, my mind was always focused on my study. It seemed to me that my study and academic performance was the most important thing for me. Besides eating and sleeping, the first thing that came into my mind was study. This continued after I entered my college. On weekends, when others were planning their weekend activities, I was thinking about my study. On holidays and vacations, when others went out for shopping, movies or delicious food, etc, I was studying in the classroom. After physical training, and some required labor work, when others were taking a rest and having a nice sleep, I was on my way to the classroom for study. When I was in college, I studied whenever I had time: after lunch, before going to bed. And I studied wherever I had the chance, in my classroom, in my dormitory. Sometimes I would even read English words from my small notebook when I was waiting in line for my lunch. Stay focused is a kind of power, with which nothing seemed to be impossible for me. At least as long as study was concerned. Any subject, no matter how hard people think it is, if you stay focused on it, you will study it well.

     P: The power of Persistence. Everything is hard before it is easy. At the beginning, I met with some obstacles in my study. I failed to get a high mark on one of my finals. I felt really sorry for that. But I did not give up. I continued to study hard. Take English as an example. My English was very poor when I just got into my college. And I failed twice for my College English Test Band 6 (CET-6). And finally I managed to pass it with only a passing grade. After all the required English exams, I began to practice my oral English everyday because I really want to learn English well and make it useful than just passing exams. In my college few people think oral English is important because my college is focused on engineering. And you gave no chance to talk with foreign people or going abroad. So I practiced my oral English alone everyday after my lunch. In order to find someone to talk and practice my spoken English I went to English corner every weekend. No matter in summer or in winter and no matter it¡¯s cold or hot, going to English corner used to be a must do for me every week. At the beginning it was hard, I could not speak, and I was afraid to speak English when other students were present because I was not confident about my oral English. But after practicing for 5 years, I realized my oral English was pretty good because I had no problem talking with native speakers. And I continued to practice my oral English for nearly 10 years now. I teach the students in English in the International Student department in my college without the need of an interpreter. Compare now to my past, I made a miracle and no one in my college has ever done this before. Many people may think it¡¯s impossible to learn English well without a chance to go abroad. But I have proofed to them that English can be learned well even you are in China. This is because I persist learning English for so many years. Persistence is also a power. If there is a mountain blocking your way to your success, you can move this mountain step by step if you persist in doing so for long enough. Maybe it looks impossible for you at the first glance, but if you will keep doing it for a very long time you will get rid of that mountain one day. At least you will get to somewhere. 10 year ago, I could not image I would ever stand on the podium teaching my foreign students in fluent English. But now, thanks to my persistence, I am doing this and I really like this job.

      G: The power of goal. In order to achieve success, no matter what kind, you need to have a clear goal in your mind. You need to know what you want, and you need to know what you need to do to get what you want. When I was doing my post-doc in Tsinghua University, I was really worried if I could finish my work there or not, because I changed my research field from my PhD study. There were just so many things I did not know in the new field. There was no way for me to take my time and enjoy my life there because I only had 2 years to finish my research project, and publish enough SCI papers as required. I had some very stressful days and many sleepless nights worrying about my research. To be honest, I could think more of enjoying my life a little bit in Tsinghua University because working as a post-doc is not like perusing your PhD, you will not be punished if you fail to do a good job. But I do not want to be seen as someone incapable by people around me, and especially I do not want be looked upon by my supervisor. And I don¡¯t want to feel ashamed when I will ever come back to Tsinghua University again in future. I really need to fight for my dignity. So here was my goal: finish my research project successfully, publish some good SCI papers, and proof my ability to my supervisor. With this clear goal in mind, I began to do what I needed to do. I went to my office early in the morning everyday and I worked very late in the night. I worked about 10 hours a day, including all the weekends, and all the holidays. I needed to catch up in this new field, and I had no time for other things. I used almost all my time in Tsinghua University on my research, except I would went jogging 3 times a week when the weather was nice because I thought I even had no time for getting sick. If I did not do enough exercises, I would get sick which will surely delay my research work. I even spent my spring festive working in Tshinghua University. On the New Year¡¯s Eve of 2012, the door of the lab building was closed because the door keeper would have 7 days off on this holiday. I managed to move my computer to my dorm room before hand so I could continue to work in my room during the spring festival. I persuaded my parents and my wife for not going back home, and they all knew that I was fighting for a goal. When I was sitting in my dorm, I saw all the fireworks lightening the dark sky. From then on I never had one sleepless night because I knew exactly what I was doing and I knew where I was heading to. Knowing my goal made me I feel safe and satisfied. A goal is a power. If you have a clear goal in mind, it will be your guiding star leading you to what you want. And a goal is like a lighthouse, with which you will never get lost in your voyage alone. Every time when you are tired, just think of your goal, and think of the happiness when achieving your goal, you will have the burning desire to continue your work again. Finally I finished my research project in Tsinghua University and I made a report confidently in front of all the famous professors in my field at the evaluation meeting, where all of them gave me a grade A. My papers were published in some famous internal journals and I got a good bonus from both Tsinghua University and my supervisor. I just could not success without knowing my goal.

      A: The power of accumulation. As we often say, ¡°Rome was not built in a day¡±. No matter what subject you learn, your knowledge of it takes time to accumulate. My academic performance was not improved in a day and my English was not learned well in a day. All this takes time and effort and your skill and knowledge will all take time to build up. When I was learning a subject, which I thought was important I would study it hard since the first day I took the class. If I need to go for an exam, I would start preparing for the exam as early as possible. Maybe you can say I am not smart enough to master things quickly enough but I always think I need to let my effort accumulate in order to learn something really well. When I began to practice my oral English, I began with the simplest sentences and I take my time and start with the basics. When others were using English movies or some English news to improve their English, I was reading very short English conversations from an old book. After years of accumulated efforts I can now watch American TV series and movies without Chinese subtitle. At the beginning, I only read short English conversations one hour a day. Not too much just one hour a day. Some of my classmates might think it was too slow and even stupid. But gradually I found my oral English was improved, which made me more and more interested in learning English. While my classmates, after several month of listening to English movies and news began to lose their interest in learning English because they had a hard time understanding what they saw and heard. I got very high scores on my test in college was because I studied hard since the first day of my college. And when I prepared for my entrance exam, I started very early because I knew the competition would be intense. I studied every day, but I never studied late in the night. I kept regular hours for sleeping even when the dates of the exams were getting close. I was not worried, when the exams were around the corner because I had set aside enough time for my efforts of study to accumulate.  My accumulated efforts tuned out to be more effective than those who would only work hard several days before the exams. Accumulation is a power. Maybe at the beginning your small efforts do not look like very powerful to make a difference. But after a long time of accumulating those small efforts, you will get an overwhelming power with which you can defeat all the competitors on study and exams. Don¡¯t underestimate the small steps you made. Do not quit a journey just because you are walking too slowly. Don¡¯t quit a work just because you don¡¯t see so much progress. Just let your efforts accumulate. When those small steps add up they will make an impact on your study. You need this power of accumulation for learning a subject well not just for passing exams. Besides study, many things in life may work out the same way. Just like an old Chinese saying goes, ¡°The constant drop will wear a stone¡±.

     So that¡¯s the secret of keeping a good academic performance in school. I own all my success of acquiring my academic degrees and my good oral English to the aforementioned 4 power: Focus, Persistence, Goal and Accumulation. I use these 4 letters FPGA is because FPGA also stands for Field Programmable Gate Array which is a very important technology for modern electronic and communication systems. I figure this name is cool and east to remember.

PS: Maybe someone would argue that if you study like this you will lose the happiness of your campus life. And maybe you will be like a bookworm and lack creativity. But that¡¯s another topic with is beyond the scope of this article. You know what they say, ¡°Every coin has its two sides¡±, and ¡°no pain no gain¡±. Maybe I will write another article to address this issue in future.

[ Last edited by Ö¾ÀÖ¼¤°º on 2014-1-4 at 10:18 ]
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½ð³æ (ÕýʽдÊÖ)

It's useful,thank you

[ ·¢×ÔÊÖ»ú°æ http://muchong.com/3g ]
A little bit more.
4Â¥2014-01-04 19:10:44
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