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木虫 (正式写手)

[资源] 多孔石墨烯综述文章

多孔石墨烯综述文章,发表在Nanoscale。题目:Design of advanced porous graphene materials:from graphene nanomesh to 3D architectures

摘要:In order to make full utilization of the high intrinsic surface area of graphene, recently, porous graphene materials including graphene nanomesh, crumpled graphene and graphene foam, have attracted tremendous attention and research interest, owing to their exceptional porous structure (high surface area, and high pore volume) in combination with the inherent properties of graphene, such as high electronic conductivity, good thermal stability, and excellent mechanical strength. Interestingly, porous graphene materials and their derivatives have been explored in a wide range of applications in the fields of electronic and photonic devices, energy storage, gas separation/storage, oil absorption and sensors. This article reviews recent progress in the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of porous graphene materials. We aim to highlight the importance of designing different porous structures of graphene to meet future challenges, and the trend on future design of porous graphene materials is analyzed.

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  • 附件 1 : c3nr04555b_(1).pdf
  • 2013-12-12 13:31:09, 3.99 M

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